Chat with any document in various formats and get answers quickly from cited sources. You can select specific tables or texts, ask targeted questions, and discuss in multiple rounds to explore a topic in more depth.
With the capability to ask targeted questions and select specific content, users can dive deep into their documents, extracting precise information effortlessly.
I recently used ChatPDF in my work, and I am very satisfied with it. ChatPDF is an amazing PDF reader and processor that uses AI technology to allow users to chat with PDF files, get quick responses, and cite relevant sources.
ChatPDF is an impressive product that allows users to engage in conversations with various document formats and obtain quick answers from referenced sources. Its ability to handle different types of documents such as tables and texts provides a versatile experience for users.
amazing!!!!I'm impressed by the thought and effort that went into creating PDF. It's clear that this product has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with digital documents, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
ChatPDF is an impressive product that allows users to engage in conversations with various document formats and obtain quick answers from referenced sources. Its ability to handle different types of documents.