Thomas Smith

122BPM - Educational guides, industry insights & gear reviews

122BPM Magazine launched a new media platform aimed at educating music producers, composers, and performers of all skill levels. Offering a range of educational guides, insights and gear reviews.

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Thomas Smith
Hey Producthunt community 👋 It is with great excitement that I introduce you to 122BPM Magazine. As a lifelong music enthusiast and producer, I understand the value of a strong and supportive community within the industry. I founded 122BPM with the intention of offering just that - a place for music creators of all levels to come, learn and improve their craft. Myself and a few others have poured our hearts into creating a this new media platform full of educational resources, insider industry knowledge, and gear reviews that will undoubtedly benefit anyone interested in music production, composition and performance. With the rise of AI technology, we have also covered AI-focused topics that can help readers (such as creating album artwork with AI). As the saying goes, "music is the universal language of mankind", and it is our hope that 122BPM will be a platform that promotes and celebrates this beautiful language. Thank you for taking the time to learn about 122BPM Magazine. We are excited to be a part of the Producthunt community and look forward to engaging with all of you soon. Best regards, Thomas Smith Founder of 122BPM Magazine