overall, I think it's Man’s Search for Meaning. but more recently, it's one I didn't expect — Until the End of Time from Brian Greene. I've read some of his other books, but for some reason this one stood out. a lot of it also has to do with timing. I was going through some life-changing things at the time, so I guess that played a role.
@cristinaibunea haven't heard of either of them but Man's Search for Meaning seems really interesting. Mine would probably be The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Hard to implement a lot of what it talks about but for the most part it was really funny and thought-provoking!
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carneige
Every person has to learn how to become more influential in order to live a better life, build a meaningful business and achieve success.
Hard to pick one book out of so many great one's.
Dale Carnegie's How to win friends and influence people is a book anyone who wants to improve relationships and also his/her career can learn something from. A lot of things will seem obvious, but if you really implement them they will be powerful - I promise :).
Warren Buffet e.g. went to seminars of Dale Carnegie.
For me as a startup founder Steven Levy's books were amazing. The ones like "Hackers" are inspirational, while his Facebook and Google books explore the companies' early days with a better eye for detail than most. He tends to actually analyze the strategic decisions that made them. A highly, highly recommended author.
This might not be a life changing book for most. For me it was my first book "How to think like Dhoni"; This book kept me engaged for someone who never reads books. So following, I started to pick more books and I m happy to give credits to my first book
On startups - 1. zero to one - peter theil
On running a business - 2. shoe dof - phil knight
On habit formation -3. atomic habits - james clear
On dealing with others 4. How to win friends and influence people - dale carnegie
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and The Power of Intention by Michael Lewis. Both novels discuss the power of belief and how our thoughts have a powerful effect on our lives.
Civilization and its discontents by Freud. A very good analysis on man's motives, how society works and dysfunctions and the "algorithm" inside our minds.
I think Misbehaving was the most interesting book I have ever read. From the premise of Humans are irrational beings, to proving it, makes it so fun. After this book, economics was truly shown as a new pathway of behavioral economics. It makes me feel how many times humans get trapped in their irrational behaviors.
Good question. Books about psychotherapy! That's really weird shit I've ever read but it changed my vision of people, society and myself. Yes, it can be boring and incomprehensible but absolutely helpful for self-development.
If you don't want to dig inside so deep you can read "Transactional analysis" by Eric Berne.
Engineer's Survival Guide by Merih Taze
I think this book has a lot of good information in it about how to succeed as a software engineer. It is not specific to any one technology or methodology but rather focuses on the process of engineering in general and how to succeed in that process. The writing is direct. The author doesn't try to sound 'technical' or use interlaced jargon. I recommend it to anyone looking for some help in that area.
For me personally, it's one I wouldn't recommend anymore, but at the time when I got my hands on it, it was a total life-changer: Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins. (I cringe a bit when I write this.)
I think there's much better books if you want to change your life, but the truth is, at the time when the book fell into my hands, I found the life lessons I needed most urgently in there.
I'd say it's two spiritual-centric books, and they helped me a lot to self-reflect. First is The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho, and the second is The Secrets of Divine Love by A. Helwa
Island by Aldous Huxley is one that changed (or validated) my worldview. The hard thing about hard things by Ben Horowitz is a hell of a ride if you plan to know what to prepare for in detail as you scale your business. I hope you have some time for them!
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