Lewis Herdman

What makes a better co-founder. Lifelong friend or a domain expert?


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Amit Gawande
I think - one who has the right intent and attitude.
Abhra Chakraborty
@lewis_appre Hands down a domain expert. Also Business with friend's, never works out in my opinion. You're gonna have to sacrifice one to save the other 🤷‍♀️
Ankur Sharma
Domain founder. I do not have a good experience doing business with a close friend.
Kostya Bolshukhin
I had good and bad experiences trying to build with both types of people. I think the best co-founder is someone who has • experience in domain (maybe still have a lot to learn in it though) • potential to become lifelong friend • entrepreneurial mind
A friend who is driven, capable and willing to learn. If they have complimentary skills, it's a bonus.
Mark Martinez
I'd choose a domain expert every time. Skills and knowledge matter way more than friendship when building a successful startup. A friend might be fun to hang with, but an expert will actually help you execute and scale the business. Just my 2 cents though!