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Olga iaLOVEnko

What is the most difficult stage in the startup in your opinion?

Sebastian Cole Ashford
Getting initial traction and customers is definitely the hardest in my experience. Refining the product, marketing, and achieving product-market fit takes a lot of iterations before you get it right. Just gotta keep at it and not get discouraged!
Olga iaLOVEnko
@sebastiancoleashford Thank you. We are on that stage now. And we are keep going making our product better each day.
Rick Fan
Before the launch
Xavier Jam
For, me securing initial funding was the toughest part. Convincing investors to back you can be a real challenge.
Tiger L
Maybe the early scaling phase. Balancing the need for quick expansion with maintaining product quality, culture, and managing limited resources can be incredibly challenging.
Tariq Waseem
After finalizing your idea, taking first step of starting your business.
Akash Mondal
Taking it from 0 to 1.
Amalio Lanter
Luching the product is definitely the toughest part for me
Design and Operations
Kira Ortega
I struggle the most with building a strong team early on, as finding the right people can be challenging.
Olga iaLOVEnko
@kira_ortega oh yes, people... I wish we could learn more of people skill. Strong team needs prominent leadership as well. What do you think?
Bashiri Abdullahi
I’ve found the product development stage to be the most challenging. Balancing feature requests, bugs, and user feedback while trying to meet deadlines can be overwhelming.
Jone Denherder
I find the early stage where you’re validating the idea to be the toughes it’s all about figuring out what works.