Vio from Selftalk

What book has made an impact on you, and why?


For me personally was "The body keeps the score" by Bessel van der Kolk. It showed me that everything we experience in our lives, including traumas and unprocessed emotions, is stored in our bodies.

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Nha Hyerin
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman impacted me because it deepened my understanding of decision-making and how biases influence our choices.
Elena Oprea
The book "The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success" taught me that highly successful CEOs are humble, unassuming, and highly frugal. The paragraphs on frugality were so impacting for me!
A book that made a profound impact on me is **"Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius**. It’s remarkable how his reflections, written almost 2,000 years ago, still feel incredibly relevant today. The way he approaches challenges, impermanence, and personal responsibility has deeply shaped how I view my own mindset and actions. It’s a powerful reminder to focus on what you can control and let go of the rest.
John Tardie
Alex Becker's book, titled "The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People". The book challenges conventional wisdom about wealth accumulation, emphasizing that creating wealth is more about adopting specific mindsets and actions rather than relying on luck or inherent talent. It advocates for entrepreneurship over traditional employment as a path to wealth.