Most useful? Not sure the social platforms provide my day-to-day with a bounty of helpful assets the way HubSpot and help me find and nurture leads. I also love slack for the quick internal conversations when I need answers quickly from teammates. Google calendar helps keep my daily appointments organized and Google Keep gives me a way to add and life’s tasks in an instance so I don’t drop the ball on anything work or home related.
X will soon be the most important.
As more people begin posting video (along with all the other nifty features Elon is proposing), it will slowly eat away at the other mainstream apps.
Hence the term “The Everything App.”
And if TikTok gets banned, I bet X swoops in and gets a significant portion of that traffic.
When I read the question for the first time, I somehow got it as "Single most USELESS app of your life", so the answers seemed confusing. :D However, now it makes sense, and I should say that I can't imagine my life without Google. :)
@arsen_batyuchok I don't know if I have one yet. I use so many and my brain is spinning from them all. Currently have 70 tabs open, and they're all in use. Some are personal, and some business.