Meditation during the workday: yes or no?

Artyom Sviridov
109 replies
At times, just to relax and clear my head, I meditate for about 10-15 minutes during the workday. It helps a lot. What about you? How do you view such practices?


Julio Medina
Peloton has 5-minute guided meditation classes that are perfect for anytime
Mac Fernández Sánchez
Yeap. Meditation, breath work and/or walking.
wissam tabbara
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In addition to meditation, I've found that incorporating brief 2-minute deep breathing exercises every hour is incredibly effective. It not only keeps me relaxed but also helps maintain my focus and energy levels throughout the day.
Neel Patel
Very much required. I'd want to put aside a slot everyday.
Shunsuke Sakata
15 min nap works for me!
Mohammad Elzahaby
absolutely yes! It is always good to find time mental relief in your day. put it somewhere in your routine and you will benfit the most!
Julien Ergan
Do you use an app for your meditation?
Julien Ergan
What time of day do you meditate?
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Don’t think this is a popular choice but I go outside and fly a small racing drone best meditation ever, your mind goes blank when flyin😅
Harvey Lee
Yes. It is helpful
Imran Razak
For me it’s in the evenings. Then again I work from the middle of the night to the afternoon. But either side helps.
Tarun Asnani
There Is A Tool For That
It does work, furthermore Try NSDR that helps if you have a poor sleep cycle
Jake Harrison
Yes, it helps me a lot! Very great day!
Soner Alemdar
I only meditate in the mornings
Lubna Amber
Yes it should be a must part of our daily routine
Roman Gordy
I like to think of meditation (especially a transcendental one) as a state of living. Walking or talking are ways of active meditation. The primary purpose is to give yourself 1-2 seconds more than others before making an important decision or selecting the right word.
Rohit Kota
Yes - fixed timings work better for me
Ram Kumar
A big yes because meditation can help to train the mind to focus better. But the catch is you have to do regularly and properly to attain the benefits.
Jake Tital
Totally take time to unplug