Launching in 2 days 😬

Tarun Asnani
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Hey everyone, Over the past month, I've been preparing for my first product launch, scheduled for 11th October. I'm both nervous and excited, especially since this is the first time I've built something I believe others will find valuable. Here are some lessons I've learned as a nontechnical founder/maker: 1. Go easy on yourself. For those juggling a full-time job while building a side project, remember not to neglect other aspects of your life. 2. Build what excites you. If it's something you find fun or useful, go for it. Being number 1 on Product Hunt shouldn't be your primary goal. 3. Plan your week in advance and stick to it. Learn to say 'no' to distractions or unexpected tasks that arise. 4. Your product doesn't have to be perfect or feature-packed, just focus on delivering its core value. 5. Start thinking about marketing early on. This is something I wish I had done sooner. PS: I'd love for the community to add to this list to help others. Also, if you'd like to provide feedback on my first product, please check πŸ‘‰ PPS: I don't know why but I am product of that name πŸ˜‚
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