Deluar Hosain

In sales these words you should never use.


I gathered a few words that not should be used when it comes to sales or closing a ticket. Here are these words: ▪ Cost ▪ Contract ▪ Buy ▪ Pay ▪ Contracted ▪ Warranty ▪ Expensive Instead of these words which words do you use normally? As a sales guy or a business owner?

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Trevor White
I don't like words that discount your service like "cheap" and "save money." Regardless how high quality your product, I think words like that are negative and detract from its premium feel regardless of price point. Rolex's never go on sale.
You missed the word cheap. Use affordable instead.
Deluar Hosain
Instead, I use 'own it, take advantage, move forward, and get benefited. Do you have any secrete recipes?
Investment, benefit, gain.
Anna Starodub
a would also add to that list "but" or "however", "honestly" and "best"
Ryan Martinez
I appreciate the advice.
Hadid Designer
I appreciate the advice.
Celine Housche
Efficient, free...