Twitter. Short dynamic content with real-time updates and trends with a twist of entertainment. I love the content shared on Twitter in the form of memes.
Twitter, without a second of a doubt. I'm into tech and software, which is happening on Twitter. Reddit could be as well, but I like the vibe of Twitter more.
@phillipstemann how do you organize all of the information? lists? I find it to be low information density since i have to scroll and scroll and scroll to get to everything. No at-a-glance or anything like reddit for example.
Youtube, because it is the ultimate place of free knowledge. I understand that it is addictive and I waste a lot of time in here too. But I am always actually learning something new, useful and interesting even when I am wasting time.
Twitter - I've found it to be a great channel for educating myself on topics that interest me, get in the game before anyone else, and connect with interesting people all at the same time.
Twitter. I feel like it has the highest potential to be useful when building something and sharing stuff about it (read: glorified planned spamming via tweet schedulers for better engagement).
It depends on the aim and audience. I find myself using Twitter lately for my coaching and insulting purposes. But LinkedIn is great for large organic reach. We are using Pinterest for inspiring and visual content.