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  • If you could add one feature to the Product Hunt, what would it be?

    Balkrishna Karma
    15 replies
    For me it will be personalized recommendations - Many products are launched on PH every day, and it becomes difficult to keep track of new ones. Users can miss products that could have been useful to them if they can use machine learning algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations to users based on their interests, past activity, and engagement that would be great. What about you?


    Charlie Kor
    Showing Account Information(Follower, Twitter) without mouse over
    charles shiro
    Summarize! There is so much information and I need something to help me summarize.
    Giannis Kiokpas
    @antony_a while useful, wouldn't it cause a spam of messaging to upvote 50-100 products every day to all active users?
    Uma Venugopal
    Dming users. Or Audio-based reviews.
    Shane Stewart
    Another feature I would love to see added to ProductHunt is the ability to follow specific topics or categories, rather than just individual products or makers. This would allow users to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in areas they are interested in, without having to constantly search for new products. Additionally, it could provide more exposure for lesser-known products in niche categories
    Summarize. I often get lost in all information I consume on PH
    Richard Gao
    DMs! I understand the spam issue, but it would be so useful
    Vlad Zivkovic
    One feature I would suggest adding is a Collaboration Hub. The Collaboration Hub would connect founders, developers, designers, and other professionals who are interested in collaborating on new projects or improving existing ones.
    Hossein Yazdi
    Since DMs in mentioned already, I go for adding emojis in the comment section.