Sebastian Janus - derStartupCFO

How to start working after a long break?

Hi everyone, Many people feel depressed and find it difficult to return to work after the holidays are over. So how to start over and stay productive? Here are 6 tips I've applied to myself ☺️ 1. Allow yourself time to transform 2. Back to old habits 3. Go to work a little earlier on the first days 4. Redecorate your desk 5. Talk, meet colleagues 6. Take time for yourself I'd love to hear about your experience with this πŸ‘‡

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Rissy Miranda
Mindset. Catch up with colleagues.
Rissy Miranda
@rissy_miranda oh can I add, check bills and spending, it will kick you right up for work πŸ˜…
Manab Boruah
Do not read all the emails at once. It will only scare you. Better get an update from a team mate and then read about it.
Manab Boruah
@derstartupcfo glad you agreed πŸ™‚
Kurtis Arias
It's important to make the transition from school to work as easy as possible. Don't worry about being perfect from the beginning. It's better to struggle in the beginning and try to build a track record. It's unlikely that you will get fired even if your job performance isn't up to the mark. If it is, you can simply move on.
Witt Teo
Take breaks and pace yourself.It's important to give yourself time to adjust to being back at work. Make sure to take breaks throughout the day and pace yourself as you get back into the swing of things.
Joan Mateo Duarte πŸš€
Thanks for sharing! Probably scaling the number of hours till you get to normal levels is the best for me.
Tony Costello
Frankly Speaking it does take some time.
Alina Berezhanskaya
Thank you for info! Really appreciate it!
Shon Paunan
I love the ones you shared. For me, it's talking to my colleagues, backreading notes and learning from them