Mohamed Hassan

How many projects/businesses have you started until you got one to succeed?


Usually, it takes many tries until you get something working. For me, it is about 10 projects until one performed well and now it is growing. How about you?

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Ahmet Yıldız
It took me 11. Failure is growth.
Aaron O'Leary
Still working on that, I'll get back to you!
Mohamed Hassan
@aaronoleary Any luck? it's been a year :D
Kyle Banta
I'm on about #6 or 7, still waiting to get one to get a hint of traction. Hopefully in the next 3-4!
Cat Hicks
I think I’m number 4 or 5.
Sushil Sharma
I failed 5 businesses and still standing and creating new ones. Keep the faith you will be successful one day.
Maximilian Torggler
Currently, on Startup #3, but there were plenty of side projects in between. It's always so relieving to come to places like PH or IH and see that I'm not alone.
Ali Ataei
Well no business but many, many projects with no success :D In my work though, I've had a lot of success. Have to figure it out.
Monique Meneses
TBD :)
Mohamed Hassan
About a year ago, I posted this, and it happened that I see it today, so as an update, I have 2 more projects to add to my list. And still looking for my next successful biz.