How has Product Hunt helped you and your product?
Jao Japitana
27 replies
In my case, it opened the door to more connections and clients at the same time!
Nachiket Patel@patelnachiket
Spell Inspector
Product hunt offers visibility, immediate feedback, and a chance to connect with like-minded individuals the community here often appreciates innovation and provides valuable insights that can help refine your product.
It has helped me learn a lot about products.
We will see :D
Great way to connect with people, and the decisions for validation, feedback etc..
@maxjacobs Hey 👋,
we have launched a product and want to get the feedback you can check in my profile.
Market research 📈
Product hunt exposes my product to people who may need it (great marketing tool it seems like). It also helps me learn what problems people actually have and not have.
I hear it's less and less impactful: lots of traffic but less and less converting users.
have found quite a few really useful tools on here over the years
Launching soon!
it does opens the door for more connections and it also makes room for improvement through feedbacks.
Robomotion RPA
Help us to get new leads and take the attention of possible partners.
It definitely helped, but you cant just count on it. Use all means and all channels for your cold start.
Got to connect with great people, helps gain visibility. - We have launched neetoRecord - (
I got 100 unique visitors on launch day, April 1st !
Seems PH is ... no joke !
Not sure yet, haven’t launched yet!
It was a great exercise in seeing if we could tell a compelling, relatable story about a somewhat technical niche product. Big opportunity for feedback from people with fresh perspectives. And an exciting way to kick off expanded access to our product.
Sugar Free: Food Scanner
We plan to launch only in June, but I’ve found so many interesting products and people here, so I’ll definitely stay even after the launch.
Anyway, I hope that product hunt will help us to find new clients!
HAvnt launched any product yet but looking to start one