Unpopular opinion: I actually hate coffee (it is what it is...). In my case 15 minutes of swimming, pilates or some stretching and we start with the work day!
@bakemono I do the same thing, I keep it to one big theme for the week, helps me keep focus on the daily Todos. Last week's theme was "Be social" hence the post :-D
Getting at least 15 minutes of sunshine as soon as I can THE DAY BEFORE! This has been an incredible new lifehack for me as of just very recently. When I do this I get better sleep that night, almost guaranteed, and I wake up more refreshed and ready to be productive, with NO BRAIN FOG!
Monday mornings are like a game of Tetris, you have to juggle a lot of blocks (family, work, personal life) and fit them in the right place, if not you might end up in a mess.
To beat the brain fog, I start my day with a strong coffee, because let's face it, what's the point of waking up if you're not fully caffeinated? And I make sure to set small, achievable goals for the day so that I can knock them out one by one and feel a sense of accomplishment. Plus, I make sure to take a break when needed to clear my head and come back to work with renewed energy.
I used to start with coffee, but seem it does not work for me anymore. Also, I have a habit to read news, which starts the loops of diving the internet and reading tons of articles instead of work. So I want to replace it by something else. As an option, I am thinking about start walking before work. 1–2 kilometers, during 20 min, maximum.
And later, when weather will be no so snowy, I am going to ride to the office on bike.
I usually try to have a positive perspective: New Week, New Day, Let's go! So the first thing I do is get into this mindset, next, I make a list of what I need to get done in the week and on the day itself :)
How do you beat brain fog? I wake up at 5 am, drink a cup of water, wait 1 hour and then have my first coffee. I works fine, water helps my brain to start working in the mornings
It's brutal. I wake up and eat breakfast.
I've once tried meditating before and after sleep. I've also tried the awareness technique. I think it relaxes your body and mind because you don't think about anything. Just letting the thoughts drift nearby, but never exploring them further.
I think I should go back to this!
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