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  • How do you go about a new product launch?

    Jason Dainter
    1 reply
    Launching a new product is quite often time-consuming and can tough to get right. How do folks here here go about a new product launch, specifically.. - What are your go to platforms for distribution on a launch (aside from product hunt that is) - How do you go about launch PR and trying to get coverage by tech publications/blogs (or publications where your target customer hangs out). How do you go about finding influencers to help amplify the noise of your launch? Had anyone ever used an agency / external contractors to help with a launch? Do you use a launch framework of any kind or do you wing it? Anything you do that works, or pain points you have when launching? I'm exploring some ideas that potentially cater to this use case so would be curious to hear people's experiences.


    yi fu
    It sounds like a very broad question. What's the target audience of the product? 2b or 2c? demographic / social characteristics of the audience? Might need to apply completely different launching strategy for different products.