Do you use notetaking apps? Which one would you suggest and why? 🙏🏼
Barış Bingöl
116 replies
I have been using pen and paper mostly, because I like just being able to use all the space freely. But recently I ordered an iPad, so wanted to try this with the Pen. Considering that I'll also switch all my notetaking, from my computer too, which would be the best option?
Simon Blok@simonblok
I use Notion, but not happy with some things. Performance is sometimes bad! Some quick notes are taking to much time in this way. Looking for another app with similar functionalities, but working smarter/quicker..
On the other hand. Notion is great for setting up a team-wide documentation system which is open and ready for collaboration.
@simonblok Hello perhaps you could try a new application, I use Qinaps. I found Notion too bulky for smaller teams too and so we built Qinaps for taking quick notes. The Notes appear in the form of a spatial map which lets you precisely chose each element where you want to take your note/write up.
@simonblok @nilovapande Have heard similar things about Notion from friends, seems like a hit or miss. I'll check out Qinaps, as Nilova suggested. Thank you both!
@simonblok @nilovapande @baris_bingol Notion is more of a Team wiki notes+project management for an entire team, whereas Qinaps is more of a text editor where you may write freely stuff like smaller docs, blog content, entire business plans and break it down into several smaller docs .. The best part being you don't need to worry about index / Table of contents, every paragraph could be a flexible component which you may pick and chose to form your final document through a customiser. Its a lot like a Pivot table but for documents.
Evernote since 2009 😎
Thought Train
I use a combination of my own product, Thought Train and Trello.
Thought Train for quick notes in my menubar and a reminder of what I should be doing, and Trello for more in-depth tasks that require proper tasks management
For personal stuff, I've been using Slite for quite sometime (definitely over 2 years), and I love it. Note taking, sharing to-dos, creating training plans, organizing projects – it's been perfect for every possible scenario so far. For work, it's native Notes app by Mac, although I mostly use it for drafting some short text snippets and such.
I love using Bear for taking notes. Mostly because I can tag notes so they appear in multiple categories and because of its markdown support.
Evernote since 2011 ! Access on any platform, a lot of features, which cover all my needs
@nyushechka_z Seeing a pattern with all the comments saying "Been using Evernote since 20XX" haha. Seems like the best option!
very simple
Visual Debug
Night Eye
!Relanote In the plethora of note-taking apps, I prefer clean design, security and sharing features. Just the right set of features for me!
@stanislav_dim I prefer a mix of Relanote and paper notes. Relanote is really handy when you need to share a network of interlinked notes.
I really love @everythingnoted it's like Apple Notes on steriods, it records and transcribes and is affordable.
@everythingnoted @ni_e_sha Seems like it has a cool design! Will definitely check it out.
@omarlotfi Both of these look really useful! I'll try them out, thank you.
I tried them all and WorkFlowy was the only one that stuck. The simplicity of use combined with its power is hard to resist.
Impala Hotel Booking API
I use've used Notability for a couple of years now. It's been easy to use, has an option to mark notes as private, and the handwriting search works well. I'd recommend giving it a try.
I use Remarkable2 it's awesome
@vfdraganescu Agreed! It's not my primary notes app, but when I need to get away and think (or take notes in a "professional" setting), it's phenomenal.
My favorite note taking tool is Tinderbox is more than a note-taking tool. It is a thinking platform, a tool to manage the 4Cs of thought collection, curation, creation, and contribution.
I use Evernote to take notes since 2012. It is really easy to use and comes with neat and clean interface.