Fred QI

Do you know what to eat tomorrow?


We are living in U.S as immigrants so sometimes we are very confused about what to eat for tomorrow, especially U.S is such a diverse place with many different types of restaurants. And we are living in a metropolitan city so exploring new restaurants is a headache to us. There are some great review-based platforms out there but this still doesn't solve our problem since we need to jump between those platforms back and forth without reaching to an answer or agreement. Just wondering how do you guys solve this "dish discovery" problem. Excited to know and to connect!

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Fred QI
Hey guys, just like what I mentioned in this question. Such "don't know what's the best culinary adventure for us" problem has already been a hassle for us so we wanted to develop something cool to address this particular problem through AI, Gamification and Reels. However, we are still at a very early stage of this development, every insight from you would be hugely appreciated! If you are interested to know more about our idea, feel free to sign up the waitlist or just directly contacting us through our official website. We are looking forward to connecting with you and we promise that we would re-support you back in any ways you may need! This is our official website with a sign-up waitlist and our contacts here: Thank you all!!!
Fred QI
Also feel free to DM me if you need your first test users and we are happy to offer any helps we can as return!
Launching soon!
Absolutely, Fred QI! Deciding on tomorrow's meal can be both exciting and a bit daunting, but exploring new recipes or revisiting favorite dishes often makes for a delightful culinary adventure.
Fred QI
@zijian thanks for the post! just wondering what is the source for you to explore those new culinary adventures?
Samantha Tan
This isn’t a super efficient way of doing things but it’s fun! I have a list in my google maps of all the places I want to try and when I can’t be bothered to make a decision I just close my eyes and scroll until I stop on one. 9/10 it works out and I’m happy with what I end up trying.
Fred QI
@sam_tan7 haha, that is a great try! Let's make everything random and fun,i love this idea. Thanks Samantha