Building a CRM for startups, any advice or features you think are the most needed/painful to use?
Kat Lim Ruiz
5 replies
Ivan Ralic@ralic
Competition is brutal in the CRM space. Attio for me nails everything startup needs in the begining.
Maybe try and figure out a way to make other products more CRM-like, like Notion for example.
Or use Notion as a DB (Contacts and Deals) and build an App/Extension that enables users to sync their Gmail and LinkedIn to it π
Differentiators for CRMs are hard to identify.
Something super simple to use with great triggers and text/email campaigns would be nice
@katlim_ruiz Lead integrations (lead comes in from X/Y/Z kicks off campaign A/B/C)
Text and email capabilities
Easy follow up options for continued touch.