Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money

Apart from PH, where all have you launched your product?

Hey! I would like to know which micro/macro platforms you folks use to launch your products. I have heard about - Smoothie ( web3 alternative of PH ) - Reddit - Hacker News - Beta Testing If you are part of specific Slack, or WhatsApp communities of early adopters, do share. Context - We've just launched on App Store and are looking to launch on platforms to get initial traction. Edit 1 ( I'm adding all the suggestions shared in the comments ) 1 - Beta list - 2 - App Sumo - 3 - Life Timo - 4 - Stack Social - 5 - Rugless - 6 - Betafy 7 - 8 - Show HN 9 - Submit Juice 10 - IndieHackers 11 - 12 - Kickstarter 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - Slack groups - Growth Marketing Pros, Indie Worldwide, and Growth Hackers Slack 23 - 24 - 25 -

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Trey Chong
I published our product on the websites below. These are the high DR (domain rating) websites worth spending time engaging.
Johannes Müller Betafy Show HN Submit Juice IndieHackers
Micky Nguyen
@hayerhans Awesome list! It helps me a lot for our mobile game launch in Feb 2023!
Veena Naik
@hayerhans @mickynguyen Show HN is great but best to read the rules before posting there. A post that allows people to see your story (how you built it) and lets people play around with your product has more chances of trending.
Jonathan Nass
@hayerhans not familiar with these other channels (besides BetaList and IndieHackers). Do you have any data you can share about how much traffic those other channels can drive?
Mayank Malviya
We have launched on these platforms and have received amazing responses.
Lucia Pons -> I'm also preparing for launch so I'll get inspired with other replies :)
Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money
@lucia_pons thanks for sharing this. Happy to support your launches :)
Micky Nguyen
@lucia_pons I'm also preparing for our launch in Feb 2023. When are you planning to launch your project? I'll support and upvote your project!
Lucia Pons
@mickynguyen same! We're planning to launch at the end of Feb 2023 also! I will follow you to upvote your project :)
Micky Nguyen
@lucia_pons Sounds great!! Good luck Lucia!
Nitesh Manav
If you can offer some exclusive deals too, platforms like Can be great to gain exposure and a bit of fund.
Sachin shajan
@niteshmanav Loved your 'about-tagline'
Richard Gao
Indiehackers is a great one and similar to product hunt. Keep in mind you'll need to engage with the community a bit before launching though.
Micky Nguyen
@richard_gao2 I have never checked Indiehackers before. Is it a potential one to launch a game project Richard? As I'm building our mobile game MVP and gonna release it in Feb 2023. I'm just planning to launch it on Product hunt.
Richard Gao
@mickynguyen It definitely works for game projects as well. Anything helps. Just keep in mind that like product hunt, most people on there are entrepreneurs like us, so anything that that could benefit a business has more value to them. You might have better luck putting your product on game review sites or discussion sites in general.
Micky Nguyen
@richard_gao2 Thank you so much for your valuable advice!! I will check it now!
Johannes Müller
thanks for smoothie, wasn't aware of this even though I am in the web3 space 😅
Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money
@hayerhans Hey Johannes, interesting, what would be your community about? Is this community already on Discord? Would love to know more about your project :)
Fabian Maume
You can list yourself on all those platforms
Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money
@fabian_maume Hey Fabian, thanks a lot for sharing this :) This is a great help
Sean Song
We are launching HiDock on Kickstarter: Welcome to join us to get early bird special discount.
Sachin shajan
How good is hacker news
Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money
@sachin_shajan haven't launched it. We just launched on App Store, will launch on Hacker News soon
Sahil A Mittal
@richa_sharma07 Thanks Richa! We are in two minds ourselves for Appsumo. I feel its best for startups that are looking for early adopters and feedbacks to hone their products. The commissions are way too high definitely so theyre more for companies looking for adopters and even though the revenue metrics arent that great / important initially.
Hey Vishal – I'm launching this week! What subreddit did you hear about for launching? /testflight was very helpful for us to recruit beta testers :)
Jonathan Nass
I ditto a lot of the responses you've already gotten. For us, it was IndieHackers, Reddit, social (Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok), and various Slack communities like Growth Marketing Pros, Indie Worldwide, and Growth Hackers Slack. That said, the only more impactful launch channel than our PH launch was our launch on Tiktok. We leaned on an influencer with ~40K followers to launch the new version of our product recently, and that did great numbers. Hoping our launch on PH next week brings more success!
Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money
@jonathan_nass Thanks for sharing your views. I will check out these slack communities. Good luck with your launch :)
Sebastian Acevedo
I saw this platform for launching products. I haven't launched one yet, but it seemed like an option!
Tai Nguyen
Well, for most of the time we try to go for the high-profile community. And the idea of being ranked product by product doesn't actually stand for all kinds of communities (like Quora, Reddit....) So in terms of choosing, we will have a few key community place with high-profile audience: - G2. - Stackshares - AppSumo - CrunchBase And target the support community with AMA and stuffs like: - Quora - Reddit - Dark Social Btw, please support our Academy launch today:
Vishal Godhwani from Brew Money
@tai_nguyen_wz Thanks for sharing this list. Thank you for sharing your product, and keeping it free. I would love your support for our upcoming launch. Here is the link to our pre-launch page - Thanks Tai
Tai Nguyen
@vishal_godhwani NP! Already subcribe!
Anastasiia Zvenigorodskaia
We are planning start with Patreon
Toh Xue Zun
Thanks for such an informative discussion!
Veena Naik
I have previously listed on: You can also talk about your stack and customers here:
Jane Makarevich
Wow! Such a cool list, thank you! Personally, we launched on Reddit and Insta to get the first users :) it works enough for now, but I'll also dive into your list
Jason Howie
I found this list form Vlad at very helpful.