Let's celebrate our wins! Share some of your positive news here.
Aaron O'Leary
42 replies
Hi Makers!
We spend a lot of time focused on problems and obstacles, but research shows that there are benefits to acknowledging our achievements and celebrating our wins -- no matter how small.
So let's use this discussion to share something we've done recently that feels like a positive. It may be something that happened in work life or personal life.
Mine is that I recently accidentally adopted a stray cat, she's been a lovely addition to our house so far. 😸
Ryan Hoover@rrhoover
Product Hunt
Did you decide on a name for the cat, @aaronoleary?
As for positive news, one of my good friends is getting married this weekend after 9 years with his partner. I'm super happy for them and excited to see them in LA this weekend. 💃🏼
Product Hunt
I made this post on a whim on Friday and it's gone viral! Or at least in my terms and I love the discussion that it's opened up about making & buying new supplies. :)
@mellowbeing amazing!
Peak Money
My wife is a travel nurse and just landed a 3-month gig in the Virgin Islands, starting in November! We're so excited! 🏝
Product Hunt
Peak Money
Peak Money
@aaronoleary Totally agree. The fact that she's literally saving lives every day helps me to put the challenges I'm facing into context.
@piotr_bartoszek nice one!
Pushed out stumbleapod.com MVP today =) and wrote a little medium post about it =) woot woot!
I am flying to London for the 1st time this weekend to attend One Young World´s conference next week! Anyone around?!
Robot Recipes
My sister came to see me for my birthday...was nice to have a little break from working 🎉
Vologram Messages—Amaze, Engage, Connect
Just launched a new app today on PH!
This is a great post! @aaronoleary We also adopted an abandoned cat a few months ago! Feels good to do something for an animal in need and give them much-needed love. As for other things in personal life - I'm expecting my first baby and moving to a new home this week (with the cat) and planning my first PH launch 😸🎉
@aaronoleary @emilie_murphy1 lots of congratulations are in order for you 🥳
Product Hunt
@emilie_murphy1 Oh . wow! Huge congrats in order!
@aaronoleary Thank you!!
@aaronoleary @abadesi Thank you!
I turned Slack notifications off all weekend for Canadian Thanksgiving (not an easy feat for me!) and spent some amazing quality time with the family :).
@blair_fast sounds wonderful! Great job enforcing boundaries 💪
I finally saved up money for vacation, and went to the sea)
Olive Gives
I finally brave enough to post my first ever medium post!
@olive_gives @marisa_paramita congrats!!
@albert_somlith woop!
Product Hunt
@albert_somlith Thats a fantastic milestone, the first 100 is always tough! well done!
@albert_somlith Congrats! I just subscribed too - looking forward to seeing the launch! Good luck :)
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@emilie_murphy1 - Thank you so much! Every sub and vote counts :)
I managed to find time to work on my project all throughout last week, while still keeping up with work and all other of life's responsibilities in a satisfying way. And - it's still super fun to work at, even though I'm well past the phase where I usually lose interest in my personal projects!
My daughter just turned 9 this week. Events like this are great reminders that as much as there is to do as a founder, being a father and spending time with my family is the most important job there is!
I secured a drop shipper for a new CBD ecommerce website I am currently building!!