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Michaelson Williams
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Yes, but the future looks bright!🔆 😎
Under 1000 followers? ⭐
Ravan Mahmudlu
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Michaelson Williams
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Heleana what a fantastic marketing strategy. I Love It!
I am the Founder of ADM Fitness Effect, a fitness crypto rewards app that pays out crypto rewards for users increased fitness output. As you know this is the time when people set their health and fitness New Years Resolutions.
Right now would be the absolute perfect time for ADM Fitness Effect to win a explainer video produced by...
I will create an explainer video for your company for ✨ free ✨
Heleana Grace
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Michaelson Williams
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Hey Gaurav, and Friends!
I hope everyone is enjoying the start of 2023 like I am!
I would highly recommend the TSX Podcast and MMAP Magazine Newsletter for some great entrepreneurial interviews and articles.
Full disclosure I am the founder of both MMAP Magazine and the TSX Podcast, but I do hear that the content is Amazing! 😁 No but in all seriousness I have provided from what I am told...
What's your reading/podcast list for 2023?
Gaurav Goyal
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Michaelson Williams
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My immediate goal is to reach 50 followers before 2023 on my new Twitter account for the ADM Fitness Effect app.
I'm currently at 31 followers If anyone wants to stop by to see if I accomplish my goal. I'm posting like a man on fire!...😅
What are your 2023 goals?
Aaron O'Leary
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Michaelson Williams
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I checked out your app landing page and this is a great idea! I am however a bit confused on the logo. I thought the panda was a raccoon, but I guess that's what a panda looks like where you're from. Never-the-less, smart app that people should be really interested in now and into the near future, as lab food is push on the public.
I hope your app fly's, and wish you much success!
Any other makers out there with a health or food focused startup?
Julia Putzeys
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Michaelson Williams
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Congrats Stephen! That is getting off to a great start.
Keep that momentum going!🚀
Off to a great start!!!
Don Mallik
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Michaelson Williams
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Daniyar have you gotten many takers for the review videos?
Congrats on Castofly's launch!🎉
Send me your products and I'll do a video review - Castofly's Launch is LIVE today
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
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Michaelson Williams
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I'll share a positive quote.
“True Success will always come to the person who takes action with total focus in a deliberate direction.”
I think everyone should be thinking about the direction they want to move in 2023, and move in that direction with great vigor.
Share one positive thought :)
Khyati Rathod
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Michaelson Williams
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By default if a person is already a "leader" in your company that is a good choice. Why go outside to look for a new hire when you can promote from within. You can always give the person a trial period to measure their performance at the new position.
Plus it may turn out to be less costly, as you look for a entry level person to fill the "leaders" former position.
Will you promote a leader within the team or hire from outside? Why?
Rissy Miranda
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Michaelson Williams
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I'm on a 17 day streak!
Who has the longest streak? 🔥🔥🔥🔥
MD Amirul Islam
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Michaelson Williams
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Hey Ryzal!
I'm launching my app to monetize people's fitness output with ADME Crypto soon! I am looking forward to the excitement that you must be feeling right now about your launch. I want to give you a huge Congratulations! Your product looks great and useful to boot. Awesome!
If you have any pointers on how to launch successfully I would love to hear it, if you can create the time.

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Michaelson Williams
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I Already Possess My Superpower. I have the ability to NEVER GIVE UP on any endeavor. I told myself one day that I would become a champion bodybuilder, author, run my own magazine, own a gym, bungee jump, go over 150 mph on a motorcycle, own real estate, start a clothing line, build my own crypto token, build a fitness app, and a few other things.
To date, I was Mr. North Carolina, wrote 12...
What kind of superpower would you like to have and why?
Amy Walsh
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Michaelson Williams
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Currently I'm building a Fitness and Crypto rewards app with Glideapps. I really like the builder because Glide has done so much of the work on the backend. However, this does mean that many of the controls and functionality that I would like to implement into my app is presenting some issues.
I'm coupling fitness with a pDex so there will be inherent issues that I will have to deal with...
Which no-code tool would you use to build a product? What are the limitations?
Adrian Steriopol
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Michaelson Williams
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I'm currently building a no code fitness and crypto rewards app. I'm having so much fun with the build and how I want the logic to work! We monetize almost everything these days, so I was thinking why not do the same with home health and fitness.
I read a Forbes article that said more and more people will choose to WFH next year. My thoughts are if you work from home then you'll also find the...
Share your build!
Andrew Dodds
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Michaelson Williams
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Jonathan, hands down the best gift I've ever received was the gift of opportunity. There is nothing in my opinion better than someone giving another person the opportunity to create a better life for themselves. Most other gifts are forgotten about over time but I remember every opportunity that was given to me in my life. Even when a opportunity didn't quite pan out I can still look back and...
What's the best gift you've ever received? 🎁
Jonathan Nass
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Michaelson Williams
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Social media in the future will most likely be almost completely controlled by AI. I don't think people will be able to differentiate whether they are conducting a conversation with another human or Artificial Intelligence. If you think about it how would you know? Human conversation has been truncated down to 140 characters, shorts, headlines, Tiks, and Toks. Our attention span and tolerance...
What does social media in the future look like?
janvikaur panesar
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Michaelson Williams
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Weirdly enough my ideas seem to come from a place beyond me. Have you ever been in such a state of Flow that it seems information is coming straight out of the ether? Well that's where I get my ideas. I've written books while in this Flow State and it is there that concepts, connections, and strings of information seem to come. I absolutely love when I can get my mind into the Flow State as it...
How do you come up with ideas for new features (products)?
Sveta Bay
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