I Already Possess My Superpower. I have the ability to NEVER GIVE UP on any endeavor. I told myself one day that I would become a champion bodybuilder, author, run my own magazine, own a gym, bungee jump, go over 150 mph on a motorcycle, own real estate, start a clothing line, build my own crypto token, build a fitness app, and a few other things.
To date, I was Mr. North Carolina, wrote 12 books in multiple genres, was Editor-n-Chief at MMAP Magazine, bungeed in Vegas, did 184 mph on my Honda 1000 Repsol, bought and sold real estate, created FloState Design positive mindset clothing and accessories, created ADME crypto token, built a fitness app, and the journey continues. I've built a mind around the ability to achieve anything I want, and believe me my next set targets are off the charts.
You can do anything you want once you have a full understanding that "Successful life begins in the mind and is cultivated through every action". Quote from True Success Naturally; Corrective Linguistic Programming. Yes, I wrote the above mentioned book. This book is based upon reprogramming your mind for the achievement of anything you so choose. The greatest of superhero's almost always possess a powerful mind. The superhero mindset is the only thing that can keep evil at bay.
What do you think about these ideas Amy?