Never blow your gifting budget on subscription fees again. Zest is the best way to reward, incentivize, and surprise everyone from cold leads to loyal customers without big fees and time-consuming processes standing in your way.
congrats on the launch! Zest is one of my favorite new tools to use to share gifts to friends and colleagues and it's so DEAD SIMPLE and FAST. to what @jemfeinstein shared in his comment, you can literally GIFT ANYTHING in a matter of a few clicks. it's such a great product.
We are using Zest at Roam for gifting and it's going great. Simple to get going, highly customizable, and completely delightful for the recipients. Run, don't walk! 🏃🏻♂️
I recently tested out Zest to send a few gifts to clients. They made it super simple to send and I only needed each client's email address to send the gifts. What normally would have taken an hour took about 5 minutes total. I was able to track that the client accepted and then received the gift, which was really helpful. Would highly recommend trying Zest.
Congrats on the launch - this looks awesome 👏
Just an idea: down the line it could be great to hook this up with a printing fulfilment option to be able to send notes/business cards etc to get a low-cost but tangible item sent to someone. I'd buy!