We've been using Sunlight for a few years now. Our employees love the ability to quickly pay for educational resources.
Excellent support system, very helpful team. I love the idea that we are independent to develop ourselves as well as out team’s independent to develop itself. Loads of value here.
More integration with Amazon for books - I don't know if it's possible, but a great feature would be if it pulled in product info from the URL. Also, if it remembered my addresses so I don't have to re-type.
Cannot wait to see where the solutions evolves and helps me achieve more as a professional
Still have to share it with the rest of my team so I can experience group experience
Highly recommended for companies that want to stay ahead with their personnel
In my prev company, that's an issue, the manager has the budget, but he can't simply allocate it to the team for education/training since it's so hard to track and organize such stuff. So this for sure will help a lot of teams