Obviously biased :) However, Penta aims to provide world class banking services to small businesses. Join us!
Cool & new-gen banking platform! This is how banking should be done, nice and easy, right from your sofa.
The incompetence of the personnel lead to several weeks delay in the formation of the company, and in the end I had to go with a different online bank, Holvi. Apparently, they don't mention it on the website, but they only accept passports from a limited list of countries. I still don't understand the trick, because Holvi uses IDnow for verification as well, and I had no problem identifying there, but with Penta it was not possible. What made things worse was that I was forwarded by IDnow to SolarisBank support, who confirmed to me that my passport was accepted, but then Penta support again said it was not possible. Then few days later, Penta representative called me and told me that surely they accept my passport and I should try again and record a name of the agent who refused to identify me, which I did.... but in the end, I again was refused verification and told that it is not possible for me to open a bank account at Penta because of my passport.... Who knows, maybe their bank is ok, but when their support cannot agree on such a simple thing as to whether someone can or cannot open an account, it makes you wonder what else they have no idea about?!