Bonsai is a one-stop platform for creative and digital agencies, consultancies and professional service providers. It is designed to provide businesses with a complete and real-time overview of their business.
Simplify your business operations and consolidate your projects, clients and team into one integrated, easy-to-use platform. From contracts, proposals and project management to client billing and revenue tracking, we've got you covered.
GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipeline features, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc.
Build a personal website that shows off your contributions, interests, and development experience. It’s your fully-customizable profile powered by the GitHub API, GitHub Pages, and Jekyll—ready for anyone interested in your work.
The Freelance Rate Calculator gives you a comprehensive understanding of your finances so you can make realistic goals for the future. ⠀ It does this by answering the most important question: “How much do you need to charge in order to sustain your lifestyle?”
Build your own site from scratch or generate one for your project.
You get one site per GitHub account and organization, and unlimited project sites. Let‘s get started.
Discover the best GitLab integrations for your workflow with! Our comprehensive platform features over 40 integrations and 11 categories to help you find the tools you need for improved productivity and faster value delivery.
This is a single page application that enhances Gitlab: - Daily/Monthly report of issues handled across repositories. - Important flags such as “due dates being exceeded” - Compare estimated hours vs. spent hours. - Allocate repos to cost centers and get reports on time spent split by bugs & features.
Timesets helps you keep track of your time allowing you to focus on your tasks, run a Pomodoro-like set of timers that you can customize the name of, time to run for and add as many timers as you need. Or simply use the stopwatch to keep track of an activity.
You can't stop scrolling. You keep looking at your phone, even though you know you shouldn't. Treen is the most simple and effective app to help you put down your phone, focus, and get your to-do list done!