Launched on November 2nd, 2017
Launched on October 31st, 2016
I find your product very interesting. While my intellectual activity, I use music every day with purposes to protect myself from outer world sounds and to enhance my focus on my job. In my “Castaneda & New Age”-driven youth, theta-wave music for hemispheres synchronization was quite popular. Could you tell me about what are neurophysiological & physiological basics – and targets! – of your app’s music? Did you investigate any relevant areas for this?
Give your brain what it needs to get the best of it. will provide you with the music you need to meditate, relax, sleep, work or focus. The first results start to show after 15 minutes of listening to appropriate music for the activity you take up. All that is powered by advanced AI and designed especially for the brain!
Give your brain what it needs to get the best of it. will provide you with the music you need to meditate, relax, sleep, work or focus. The first results start to show after 15 minutes of listening to appropriate music for the activity you take up. All that is powered by advanced AI and designed especially for the brain!