Education Advocate/Dancer/Actor
1 reviewI really like the idea behind this product and it really goes well with where I want my mind to be at during work. The sounds are rhythmic, but not repetitive, which go well with my mind's desire for stimulation through sound, which help my short attention span from getting distracted while I work. I'm currently playing it during work and will probably keep it on throughout the day and try it out later as I'm studying.
I really appreciate how it's very gentle with the chords played. This is something that I can have on in my shared work space without feeling like I am going to impede upon my co-workers productivity or distract my students' train of thought while I meet with them.
But also, keeping in mind the idea of how each chord played is representing a positive engagement, I think can also help to keep listeners in a positive mood as well. This might be more of a product of subconscious thought, but I think that it can provide a soothing element whenever a user is engaged with the program.