Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode

Zeroqode 4.0 - Build web and mobile apps without code and engineers

120+ no-code templates for Bubble. 270+ plugins for Bubble, Zero Code Online Conference and courses that teach how to build products and startups without code. In other words everything you need to build your next project without code! This is Zeroqode.

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Hi! What about the speed of pages on mobile? load.express is showing that your page is loaded after 14 sec. Why it's so slow???
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@vigodnee Thanks for the question @alex, apps built without code are heavy in js script and that might slow down the speed a bit, but if you check any js based websites (facebook, airbnb and many others) you'll most likely see very similar or close results. The technology is still developing though and speeds are getting better. Are you the creator of loading.express?
@levon377 yep, I'm co-founder of this. First you need to work with fonts on zerocode, it's now has 40 http requests and it's size 667.32 KB... And it's all from google fonts, you need to get them on your server. GF affects FCP witch now 5686 ms.
@levon377 JavaScript 1.92 MB and it has 26 http requests, it's too much, you need to do it lazy for all third party scripts. We can help you in that. 😉
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
Hey, Product Hunters 👋 Another year has passed and we are here on Product Hunt. Again! 😇. ✨ We got a bunch of news (and a secret 20% discount below) both for experienced no-coders and beginners alike. 🎁 NEW TO ZEROQODE? Zeroqode is a suite of no-code tools that allow you to build and implement even the most daring ideas. No programming skills, no engineers or technical background required. WHAT DO WE COME UP WITH TODAY? We stayed focused on improving our product offering, providing better support to our users and making the whole user experience a breeze. So what did we achieve in more than a year since we last been on Product Hunt: 🧳 +24 new templates. Now we have 120+ templates! 🥳 ⚙️ +50 new plugins. Total 270+ plugins with better functionality and support. 🗣 Zero Code Online Conference. We hosted the biggest online no-code conf in 2020, if you missed it you can replay the recorded sessions 📺 Monthly Zeroqode Series for no-coders. Once per month, 1 hour webinar with great tips and insights about the no-code ecosystem from the leading players. SOME OTHER NEWS We completely redesigned our website and decided to use 3D-style animations and illustrations. It was a challenging and interesting project for us (still ongoing albeit mostly done) . Check it out here, perhaps you’d feel moved to redesign your website too?:)! By the way our team is almost 50 and we are still hiring! EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR PRODUCTHUNTERS Grab your promo code PHUNT20 for all templates and turn your ideas into life! The promo code is valid till May 31th, 2021. Steps to claim your promo: 1. Click on the "Get it" Button at the top of this page 2. Find a template that is perfect for your needs. 3. PROFIT! Apply promo code today during the template purchase checkout step. Talk to us, drop us a line to say hello or ask a question. We'll be online all day to speak to you. Thanks a lot for all the support 🙏 Levon Co-founder Zeroqode
Brett Bell
@levon377 Any plans to update the courses? The Bubble interface has changed quite a bit in the last few years and many of the courses still use the old interface, which can be confusing.
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@brett_bell Hey Brett, good question and Bubble interface indeed did change a lot. But the most critical change is yet to come some time this summer - the total redesign of their editor! :) It's been on their roadmap for almost a year now, and we were waiting for this to be completed before we update our content otherwise we'd have to do it twice :) Are you a member at Zeroqode Lab? have you watched the Zero Code Conference sessions?
This is a nice no code solution
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@vivekweb2013 Thanks @vivek, I see you are a full stack developer - what technology are you using what do you think of no-code in general? 😊
@vivek @levon377 I use java. spring-boot. react. javasctipt. html. css. no-code is a growing concept around tech world
Good luck with the launch! Looking good :D
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@lookmomnocode Thank you @Dave, appreciate the support 🙏
Olga Hartinger
Finally, Zeoroqde 4.0 is here 🚀
Vladimir Panov
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the quality products.
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@vpcollapse Thank you ! What is fromNotion by the way? :)
Vladimir Panov
@levon377 This is a product for creating sites from ptsblichny Notion pages without code. Launched here a week ago, took 6th place
Frederick Gimpel
Congrats Levon, we had a chance to chat 3 years ago, I have since purchased plugins and a couple of templates from Zeroqode and love your products, one of my succesfull startups was based on your loyalty template, took me one week from idea to launch and have been gaining customers form all parts of latin america. So I really love your templates and plugins and I am glad to see you grow. Cheers
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@frederick_gimpel Wow Frederick, such a great feedback, really appreciate and really happy that we could be of help! Mind sharing a link to the startup you've built with loyalty template? We know so little about how our templates are used. It'd be great if we could ask a few questions to you regarding your experience with our templates and plugins. Would you be available for that? In any case, thanks again for your support! 🙏
Frederick Gimpel
@levon377 of course, happy to help you in any way I can, you can email me at sales@hivetechapp.com or whatsapp me 50247467741
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@hivetechapp @frederick_gimpel That's awesome Frederick, we'll send you an email. Thanks a ton!
Peter Buick
Like the idea. Not sure on the dependence on Bubble. Seems a little expensive to me, as none of the ideas are likely to get traction as a business (i.e. reinvent producthunt or reinvent amazon - and you can lifetime licence scripts WITH code from $15). But I guess I am not your market. But I've been with you, before you became you and I used to like your $50 codeless scripts. I think that was you? It might have been some other codeless guy, or you bought him out. I forget now. but the codeless concept is a worthwhile option for the planet, and maybe it will encourage more people to code! So here's to your next 5 years. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Codeless"
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@peterbuick Thanks a lot for your comment Peter 🙏 Not sure about the $50 codeless scripts, might indeed have been someone else? We focused on Bubble from the very beginning (2016) and built products around it. What were the scripts about?
Abdul J
Hi, when are you going to fix the login issue for Zeroqode lab? I have been a paid lifetime member since last year and since the redesign I can't access the lab or Zerocode Conference and no one has been getting back to me via live chat. When I login and click the link to the lab, it takes me to the lab link and then says I need to be redirected back to Zeroqode, so I am just stuck in a loop.
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@abdul_j Hi Abdul, sorry for this. I'm aware of the situation and are working hard to resolve it. Are you currently in touch with our support team? if not yet - Best way is to send an email to support@zeroqode.com
Maxi Ogas
changing the style does not make the plugins and templates work properly. maybe they should spend more time repairing all the plugins they sell and not working instead of changing the look of the HomePage, or investing in better resources in the area of ​​support that leaves a lot to be desired.
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@maxi_ogas Hi Maxi, thanks for your honest feedback. We do actually work a lot on improving our templates and plugins. Most of them have no issues, however when we receive a bug report from users we try to resolve any issues immediately. Did you have a negative experience with any of our products and with our support team? If so, which product was that and who was the person you interacted with? Thanks again! 🙏
Maxi Ogas
Hi @levon377 The only two experiences I had with your company's payment plugins were forgotten and each one more expensive than the other. The first bad experience was with the Dropdown Advanced plugin which had a multitude of bugs and never worked. ($ 25) The second and most recent was with its AWS File Uploader plugin. I followed its documentation to the letter and read it before buying the add-on, but I could not protect my files from external access as indicated in the official documentation. A month and a half later, after multiple attempts, back and forth with the support, the final answer was that it was not possible to protect the files. This last plugin cost me $ 40 plus a month and a half delay in my project. Here you can see the whole case in their support forum in case you have a free afternoon: https://forum.zeroqode.com/t/aws... A shame honestly I would have liked to have better experiences, but the reality is what it is and if today someone asks me about a Zeroqode product my answer is that it is to burn money. Sorry :(
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@maxi_ogas Hi Maxi, sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I worked closely with the team investigating this. The bottom line is - what you request and what advertise in the plugin indeed is possible and shouldn't have said it's not possible on that forum thread - however achieving it requires good knowledge of CORS configuration of the AWS S3 Buckets. Yesterday the team posted a reply to your thread on the forum, I really hope it helps, but we might not help beyond that as it's a job of a system architect or devops to configure these things. Hope for your understanding. Now as for the dropdown plugin - when did you try using the plugin? I remember we did some improvements to it, do you still use the same app where it was installed? Would you like to give it another try?
Alexey Shashkov
This looking good. I hope you will grow very fast, guys. 🚀 What's the key difference from other no-code SaaS like Bubble, Adalo, etc?
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@shashcoffe Thanks a lot Alexey! We actually build products around Bubble platform (templates, plugins courses etc for Bubble). :)
Ayo Dele
I've bought your templates, they are very difficult to use & buggy as I've heard from others. The support was also subpar & I ended up ditching the template. I really think you should improve the templates you have before building more. It's quality not quantity
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@ayo_dele Hi Ayo, thanks a lot for your feedback. I appreciate your suggestion and that's actually exactly what we are doing at the moment :) Most of our top templates are of very good quality both functionality and designwise, but yes, some of the other templates might have some glitches. If you've noticed we haven't released any new templates during the last 5-6 months focusing on improving those templates. Also, whenever a user reports a problem we jump on it and fix asap. That's why I'm a bit surprised hearing that our support was subpar. Our customer care is something clients are usually very happy with. Mind sharing what was the template you purchased and who was the support team member you interacted with? In any case please accept my apologies that that experience you've had with our products and the team was below your expectations 🙏
Ayo Dele
@levon377 I was told by you for example that an expert knowledge of Bubble was necessary to configure your templates & as per your terms of sale you are not responsible to fix any bugs (of which there were many) after purchase. I was forced to abandon the project as the template was unusable. It's a pity as you are dragging Bubble down as well. Bubble needs to find better, reliable partners
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@ayo_dele Hey Ayo, this is very very strange, we always fix bugs, do you have a screenshot or any record of communication with us? Maybe a link to the forum if that's where it took place? Any hint would help. Thanks!
Mahbub Hasan
Is there any live website that was built using Zeroqode? Just to check ✅ live website.
$26K+ if you select all addons for a mobile app. Crazy!
Patrick Onyekachukwu Udeh
@moazam Really?! Wow. That's expensive.
@patrick_udeh tick all boxes from this page: https://zeroqode.com/native to get that price! I know not all people gonna use those addons but again that is a crazy number!
Levon - Founder @ Zeroqode
@patrick_udeh @moazam that's correct, most people just need the basic build + push notifications. Other features are mostly optional and one rarely needs even a few of them let alone all of them. But.. having said that, we are currently building an alternative solution that should be way more affordable. Stay tuned! :)