Kevin William David

zeroheight 2.0 - Organize and share your design libraries


zeroheight is the easiest way to create a design system

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Hi all! Co-founder of zeroheight here ๐Ÿ‘‹ We built zeroheight because we felt the pain of collaborating on a design library manually using a Sketch file and wanted an easy, fun way to do it instead ๐Ÿ˜Š Our Sketch Plugin lets you organise and share design components with the rest of your team (including others inside the company using an auto-generated living styleguide) Our vision is to enable every design team - no matter how big or small - to build and maintain a design system with minimal effort and resources. Weโ€™re eager to hear the communityโ€™s thoughts and are looking forward to your feedback! Ask us anything ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜
Collin Duncan
@j_delafargue Would you mind talking about how this compares/competes with Zeplin? Why pick ZeroHeight?
@bleachedsleet Hi Collin! I believe we are addressing a different need. Zeplin helps designers communicate design resources to developers whereas we are focused on syncing shared Sketch components and styles between designers. If a designer updates a component or style in their shared zeroheight library, other designers on his team can easily apply that change to their local file. This makes it a lot easier for designers to a) use shared Sketch elements b) stay up-to-date with the latest design changes on their team. Ultimately this helps design teams deliver more consistent user experiences - which can be a pretty hard thing to do given how fast some teams and products grow!
Bauke van Gameren
At Huddle we have been trialling zeroheight just before launch. It helped us a lot. We always struggled to maintain our separate styleguide and/or sketch template, and making sure the designers are using the latest version. The sketch plug-in allows us to add/update components to the styleguide. Once the component is there, everybody in team can drop in the latest version of the component in their sketch files. The webapp is nice too, it enables us to organise our styleguide and add context (where is what component used and why).
@bvgame Thanks Bauke!! ๐Ÿ˜‡
Kevin William David
zeroheight helps design teams deliver consistent user experiences. Using the zeroheight Sketch plugin, designers can easily organise their design library and sync each other's changes. Their design library is then automatically converted into a web styleguide hosted at Not only is the styleguide always up-to-date, but they can share it with internal and external stakeholders using a simple link!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
It's hard to say since it's not out yet, but is this similar to Abstract?
@chrismessina Hi Chris! We've not had a chance to try it yet either but it does seem like we are solving a similar problem. As far as I can tell they are doubling-down on version control whereas we are more focused on deep integration with Sketch and auto-generating web living styleguides... it's an exciting time for design tools ๐Ÿ˜Š
Kunal Bhatia
@j_delafargue @chrismessina interesting approach. Why did you decide to exclude version control and focus on the latest style guide as a living doc?
@kunalslab the short answer is that it solved a bigger problem for our early users!
Kunal Bhatia
@j_delafargue makes complete sense! Bigger problems solved, better product. Going through that same exercise right now @SlidesUp.
Kunal Bhatia
Yes, this is awesome @j_delafargue! I downloaded zeroheight now, and am scrapping the progress I've made on building a design system in Sketch so far (purely symbols, with Sketch runner, as @karrisaarinen from Airbnb showed off nicely). Any plans to bridge the gap between this and tools like Storybook in the future? I still see this as a huge painpointโ€“how do you sync real components in code to the components you have in Sketch? How do you handle changes to existing components?
@kunalslab Hi Kunal! That's great to hear!! Indeed our vision is to turn the web styleguide generated by the zeroheight plugin into a proper design system that fully integrates with front-end components in React, Angular etc. so yes.. watch this space! ๐Ÿ˜
Kunal Bhatia
@j_delafargue watching intently. ๐Ÿ˜ณ We use React/Redux/MaterialUI, so anything that integrates with that setup, I'll be onboard to test and give you feedback as you build the vision for zeroheight.
@kunalslab that's great!
Matheus Menezes
Testing right now! It's freaking awesome, guys
@matheus_mnzs Thanks!! Let us know how we can make it better :)
Dre Durr๐Ÿ’ก
Huge Fan of Sketch. I am sure this will help out alot Dope๐Ÿšฌ๐Ÿšฌ
Sean Tiffonnet โ–ฒ
This is great! I'm looking forward to try it out! We've been trying out a few similar products, and this one looks like it could be the one ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ
@sean_t Awesome! Let us know what you think :)
Brendan Tobin
Just checked zeroheight out. It's nice! I'm wondering what drove your decision to locate the plugin outside the Plugins menu? My initial reaction is that if every plugin were located outside the plugins menu the main menu would become unusable. Congrats on building what looks like a really useful tool.
@brendankilkenny Thanks Brendan! We put it there for easy access but agree that doesn't scale.. we'll likely move it back into the Plugins menu
@brendankilkenny done! restart Sketch and we should now behave ๐Ÿ˜Š
Harpen Design
How I can rename taiwan folder?
@lunaramour sure! Can you email details of your existing team name and email to and we'll get that done for you ๐Ÿ‘
Tim Fernando
Awesome. We're gonna give zeroheight a spin, this looks like it'll solve a lot of our design headaches right now as our Sketch flies are getting huge!
@timfernando Hi Tim! Amazing, let us know what you think ๐Ÿ˜Š
Francis Kim
โœŒ๏ธ Nice one! Added to:
Thanks @franciskim_co!! <3
Natalia Sakhnova
Hi guys. I don't get it... Is it just for PC?
@nataliasakhnova Hi Natalia! No actually it's just for Mac OSX as we are built on top of Sketch which is Mac only
Natalia Sakhnova
@j_delafargue Then I'm probably stupid :) I downloaded your plugin, what do I do next? I clicked on "loading.html" and nothing is happening.
@nataliasakhnova awesome! Let me know if you have any other issues or feedback ๐Ÿ˜‡
Great stuff ๐Ÿ˜