Alexis Ohanian

Zero - Everything you need to quit smoking, delivered in a kit

Zero is an end-to-end service to fight addiction, starting with helping people quit smoking. It combines the most clinically effective treatments to increase someone’s chances of quitting by almost 4x.

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Alexis Ohanian
Proud to see the team from Roman evolve, launching Zero 🚀. Truly using tech for good to help the U.S. quit smoking.
Rob Schutz
@alexisohanian Thanks for all of your support, Alexis. We are so excited to build something special with you guys. We are also excited that we found a Zero hat big enough for your head. 😀
Alexis Ohanian
@rob_schutz This was no small feat! Thank you.
Alexis Ohanian

Zero leverages Ro's powerful infrastructure to tackle smoking: the leading cause of preventable death worldwide.


Gamechanger for healthcare. With the Quit Kit people are up to 4x as likely to be able to quit smoking.


Doesn’t ship until early October.

Ryan Hoover
Smart expansion for Roman, which started serving men with erectile dysfunction.
Rob Schutz
@rrhoover Thanks, Ryan. Can't wait for this next chapter.
Julian Lehr
Love the branding 👌
Rob Schutz
@lehrjulian Appreciate it, Julian!
Rob Schutz
Hi everyone -- I'm Rob, one of the co-founders here at Ro. Thanks for your support and comments!
Jordan Bantista
Your idea is to replace smoking addiction with a gum? Is there a risk that you might become addicted to the gum?
Rob Schutz
@griffellab Not trying to replace smoking with gum as a full stop solution. It's part of the process to fully quitting. Most people struggle going cold turkey and need some form of NRT (nicotine replacement therapy). That's why Nicorette has been so popular. But people rarely, if ever, get clear guidance from a doctor on if they should take medication in parallel, what dosage and strength of gum they should be using, and have a social support group through an app. We're trying to take a process that has been very piecemeal traditionally and make it simple and easy to start quitting.
Donatas Ranonis
Very nice design. Respect for helping people quit smoking...
Rob Schutz
@donatas_ranonis Thanks, Donatas. Smoking is the top preventable cause of death in the world and we're excited to tackle.
Leif Abraham
Great stuff!
Saman Rahmanian
@leifthunder Thanks Leif! Appreciate the support.
Meghan Kuhn
Awesome! Well done!! Love the goodwill and amazing branding. I'll be watching how Zero does! 🙌
Saman Rahmanian
@meghan_kuhn Thank you so much! Super proud of the work of our design team.
Alvin Milton
I need this.
Rob Schutz
@alvinmilton hey Alvin it’s been awhile! Hit me up at and let’s get you sorted out.
Ghost Kitty
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Rob Schutz
@randibarry Thank you for the kind words, Randi!
Ghost Kitty
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Dan Dan
The FAQ says "The Zero – Quit Smoking Tracker mobile app is only available for iOS which can be found in the App Store on your Apple device." But the Home Page the app is coming soon. I searched the App Store didn't find anything. On another completely unrelated note... what does "DR RECOMMENDED" really means? You find a doctor and ask them to recommend the product? I'm always intrigued by marketing jargon.
Zachariah Reitano
@tostartafire Hey Dan. It's a great question. The ideal way to quit smoking is a combination of treatment — a prescription, an NRT (nicotine replacement therapy), and behavior techniques. The "Dr Recommended" Kit is the kit that has the highest statistical chance of being effective in helping someone quit. For example, the ideal amount of gum is 9-12 pieces per day (it does vary per person) but this requires 2 (160 piece) boxes of gum. For certain individuals, they may not be able to afford the entire kit, or a prescription won't be safe and appropriate, so we made each component available individually (one is better than none). Hope this is helpful. Happy to expand if needed. Thanks again for the question.
Matt Mayberry
@rob_schutz can you give a little more insight into how the app works and the behavioral technology used. Is it simply a tracker style app or is there more too it?
Rob Schutz
@mattmayberry There will be multiple releases of the app with the first version hitting the app store in the next week or so. Both single-player mode for tracking and a much larger social component that lets you stay accountable with friends (or strangers).
Zhenya Kazaryan