
Zencastr 3.0 - Work less, say more, the easiest way to podcast

Zencastr is the ultimate all-in-one podcasting platform. We’ve bundled all your podcasting needs - record, edit, distribute and monetize all from the same place. It’s never been easier to podcast!

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It has been 7 years since we launched the first version of Zencastr on Product Hunt! We have been privileged to help podcasters record in studio quality ever since. Now we are expanding our services to help podcasters with all of the other barriers to success. With Zencastr's all-in-one podcasting solution, you can record, product, publish, and monetize all from the same place. We have a generous Free plan, Free trials, and discounted launch pricing for the next 30 days. I hope you will come check out the new Zencastr!
@imtiyaz922 Not really sure. We scheduled it to post later but it went live anyway.
Daivik Goel
I cannot tell you how happy this made me! As a long time user of Zencastr, I was considering moving to a new platform because of their features but this update just swooped in last second to change all of that. Thanks!!
Taly Matiteyahu
Love Zencastr and excited to dive into this latest version of it ☺️☺️
Nathan Maingard
Oh wow, this looks like it ticks every box I've been looking for! So done with hosting, transcription and recording all being on different platforms. Ready for that unified life. Plus, the price is lovely and anything with the name 'zen' in it is talking my language 😉
Jeroen Leenarts
This looks interesting. Are there any samples of podcasts (audio) hosted by Zencastr?
Spencer Arntsen
I started using Zencastr recently and thought the recording tools were great, but was wishing I didn’t have to use an additional platform. Now I don’t!