Paths by Zapier - Automate 1,300+ apps, now with conditional logic
Zapier‘s new logic tool lets you build multiple outcomes into one Zap, so you can automate anything you imagine.
Zapier‘s new logic tool lets you build multiple outcomes into one Zap, so you can automate anything you imagine.
Idea Stash
Wiz Write
Have been using paths for a while now. Find it super useful when you are using a zapier catch webhook function to start a flow and passing different information (eg, slack buttons) and creating actions based on each of these is super simple in the same zap workflow!
Pros:Great for forking workflows or making multiple things happen simultaneously.
Cons:Would be great to have an error condition to continue ^_^
VC Sheet
I love Zapier for it's simplicity and quickly being able to protoype ideas, combining workflows, API's and tools.
After spending time with Zapier in multiple companies, I can clearly state that their business model probably saved us more money than putting all of this on a developer and validating a business idea. It simply rocks!
Pros:Next logical step to Zapier's single chain workflow
Cons:Might turn of less experienced 'zapierists' since it can turn complicated quickly
I was fortunate to be a beta tester of this and ran through the user ability testing a few months ago. This sort of testing is actually what elevates Zapier into a new stratosphere. Their testing involved letting me log-in and having them observe me. It shows that they designed this feature to feel and operate naturally. It's got the UX simplicity similar to pulling out your first iPhone and not having to read a manual.
The feature was something lacking and had previously seen me setting up two or more zaps for the "if X, then Y, else Z" scenario. This is now totally encapsulated inside one zap.
I had previously prided myself on spending hours writing complex formulas inside the Zapier formula actions to attempt to emulate some of this functionality. They have taken this pride away from me.. oh and the hours of time it took ;)
Well done!
Pros:Great for keeping an entire workflow in one zap.
Cons:I feel my friends look at me strangely when I get over enthused about this. Maybe it is them with the problem not me?
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