Pretheesh Thomas

YummyStreets - Find authentic local food around the world

No travel is complete without trying out local delicacies. People usually end up in restaurants and tourist traps that serve tourist version on the local dishes. Want to try the best local food? Go to a street food place, where locals eat.

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Anton Gup
Cool product, I will try to use
Pretheesh Thomas
@anton_gupalenko At this stage, we are focusing on adding content. On boarding few influencers :)
Robert Charbonnet
Just downloaded. I’m a huge user of Foursquare so will be interesting to see how it compares.
Pretheesh Thomas
@robert_charbonnet It will be different than foursquare. We will be focusing more on experiences than just places. Thank you so much for trying it out. We are working hard on the content on boarding. :)
Juan Spencer
Very nice idea. It can be tricky to find what the locals prefer, rather than the flashy touristy attractions.
Pretheesh Thomas
@j_j_j_like We spent 4 weeks to crack the idea. Hope we wont disappoint you :)
Pretheesh Thomas
Thank you for the overwhelming response to my initiative, "Yummystreets ." A number of my connections shared their constructive feedback (in my inbox). And it's my job to validate and implement them :) I am sharing a few of them and the solutions.: Users should be able to explore the app without logging into the app. : -- Users can now explore that app without logging in. They will be asked to log in wherever required. Request for permissions as and when required as users will allow them only if they understand the need if it. : -- The users will now be asked for permissions only while they request for "Near Me" places. Give an overview of what to expect from the app before they start using it. : -- We built an "onboarding" process, and this will become better in upcoming releases. Have a try and give me your feedback. You won't find much content right now, but we are working hard to onboard as much as we can by reaching out to influencers, bloggers, etc. Thanks, Pretheesh #streetfood #firebase #flutter #apps #startup #yummystreets #ys #mlp #mvp #releases
Pretheesh Thomas
It's time for co-founders. I am looking for partnering with passionate people from marketing, sales, product strategists, finance experts to become co-founders of Yummystreets . Let me know if anyone interested. Thanks