Eric Willis

Ultimate Startup Decision Maker - Should you start a startup? Find out with this test

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Arlo Gilbert
This is cute but does it really beat out a bunch of legitimate products that people spent time building? Barely legible, terrible advice, this is why I wish PH had a down vote button. Sorry, I couldn't bite my tongue any longer.
Raffaele Gaito
@arlogilbert it's a silly tool made just for fun... like many others here on PH ;)
Sorin Pantiş
@duplikey @arlogilbert That's the sad part on PH: too many "just for fun" when there are legitimate products in the "upcoming" tab that never get listed.
ben Watanabe
My favorite part: Could probably do this with a "real" product and it would serve the same purpose as saying "featured on." It definitely got me at first. Too bad I didn't find this sooner as its clearly let me know I'm not cut out for what I've gotten myself into.
Raffaele Gaito
@benwtnb you're the first one noticing this or, at least, telling me this ;)
Eric Willis
A quick test (using 10 startup cliches) to see if you're ready to do a startup. It's a bit silly, but's Saturday morning.
Raffaele Gaito
@erictwillis thanks for hunting it! :)
Raffaele Gaito
@zykotak thanks man :)
Raffaele Gaito
Hello guys, I'm the maker of Ultimate Startup Decision Maker. Of course, as Eric said, it's just for fun but if you have any feedback don't be afraid to share ;)
Gourav Das
Awesome fun stuff. I wish it asked a different set of questions everytime. After the first attempt the key to "Start a startup" was evident.
Raffaele Gaito
@das_vicky lol... a lot of people are telling me that! It's just a funny test built in a couple of hours. If you have ideas for more "stupid" questions feel free to share ;)
Eric Willis
@das_vicky Same here. I hesitated to submit this because of that reason. I mentioned it to Raffaele.
Raffaele Gaito
@erictwillis yes, I remember. This featured on PH could be a good way to collect new funny questions ;)
Gourav Das
@duplikey @das_vicky one question that comes to my mind "Should I start a startup? On a iighter note, this product is an ephemeral product. You use it only once.
Raffaele Gaito
@das_vicky that's right! You use it once, you get a "drop it" and you hate it :p
Yash Kotak
Haha, Super fun & Hilarious. I made everyone here at work try.
Raffaele Gaito
@zykotak thanks a lot! <3
Yash Kotak
@duplikey the fun fact is in our team we are 6 of us. The decision to go full fledged through an average came 80-20. Haha
Brad Yasar
Raffaele Gaito
@yasarcorp thanks for your LOL... it means it worked :p
Glen One N
So I have to drop my HappiJar app then... :(
Raffaele Gaito
@cute_life LOL :) which question?
Eduardo Festa
Super fun super cool :)
Raffaele Gaito
@efesta2 thanks for voting it man!
Mike Grassotti
Awesome - this is gonna save me so much time...
Raffaele Gaito
@mikeginnyc in a good way? :)
Mike Bronfman
I got to disruptive, and then got the thumbs down. haha
Raffaele Gaito
@mikebronfman disruptive is a tough one :p
Raffaele Gaito
The best part of this are people sharing the results on twitter... and it's always a "drop it" :D
Michele Nasti
The day this tool got famous I remember a lot of "famous" CEOs trying it... And sharing their results... Still I haven't heard of a startup that passes this test :)
Raffaele Gaito
@micnasti LOL... it should be used in universities, incubator and accelerator :D