Chris Messina

Yogile - Photo storage simplified

Top Hunter

Yogile is a sleek photo management app that lets you store an unlimited number of photos without worrying about running out of storage on your phone or computer.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
?makers looks like you were last hunted three years ago! What's new and good in the product since then?
@chrismessina Hey Chris! Thanks for hunting us and it’s great that you ask! We’ve been hard at work improving the product, so we managed to add: A way to create a custom e-mail address per album. This lets anyone upload from anywhere using e-mail directly, without needing to install apps, or use our website! We’ve added a suite of fully online photo editing tools, making it possible to edit your photos directly in the cloud. We’ve also improved collaboration. Now you can link shared albums to your account, so you always have the latest photos uploaded by everyone, without the need for keeping duplicate copies. What we didn’t change is our pricing; we still have a very competitive price of $49.99 for a whole year of unlimited storage. 🤯 We’ve also prepared a special discount 30% off for PH users 🤑
@teetee Ow, great! Just the thing I need for a project I'm working on! Just curious about the PH users special discount though - the site says $34,61 per year, which is the discounted price I guess, but when the button is clicked the price goes up to $44.99. Is that a bug or is the VAT included price?
@t55 Thanks for reporting that issue! We've pushed an updated that fixes the issue on the payment page. It's now $33.99!
@teetee Price on the page is okay now, but the actual payment is still 44,99, as the invoice tells me....
@t55 Make sure you use the correct link before you go to the pricing page: Then once you go to pricing, and click on the big blue button, the next page should show the reduced pricing too. I can confirm it works at least here.
Hi PH! If you're looking for a photo storage platform, then Yogile is perfect. It has unlimited storage and allows photographers to collaborate with other contributors so they can all publish their photos on the same app or website. It's easy to use and perfect for photographers who want their photos to remain in their original resolution (RAW). You can download it as an iOS and Android App or use the website from any computer. We are very excited to share Yogile with you! Help us out and let us know what you think!
Aleksandra Sztemberg
I love Yogile, it's so easy that my mother can use it!
@aleksandraszte2 Thanks, we hear that a lot!
Max Prilutskiy
Good idea! 💯
David Crouch
Only one bad review in the App store
Hasan Diwan
The price -- $34.60769230769231 -- is a little too accurate.