Nicolas GreniΓ©

🌚🌞.ws - Discover events in US for the Total Solar Eclipse 2017

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Nicolas GreniΓ©
With the Total Solar Eclipse around the corner (21st of August) I was curious to find events organized near where I live to enjoy this rare phenomenon. With my findings, I thought I would build a small tool so everybody else could find something close by to enjoy the Moon🌚 eating the Sun 🌞 . You can read more about how it was built on the "About" link, and check the Github repo if you want to hack around it. Hope you like it! 🚨 Protect your eyes on the day of the Eclipse 🚨
Josh Dzielak
Love the maximum phase feature, makes it really clear which spots will be best for the eclipse. Great use of Algolia Places too!
Alina Stanislavska
If only this app covered the events outside the US, it would be beyond awesome
Nicolas GreniΓ©
@alina_karnaukh Sadly this coming eclipse on August 21st will only visible in the US. Perhaps you could see 50-60% North of Mexico. Also, I use NASA dataset as a base, and they only cover the US. If there is a dataset of events in other countries I would be happy to add them to the database :)
Liam Boogar
If I'm being honest, Nicolas' Algolia hacks are always a delight - usually it's just hacking together a searchable list of attendees/speakers/exhibitors at a conference when the conference app doesn't live up to his search standards, but this is actually cool enough that I've shared it with family & friends. A great example of how Search can be the answer to any question, even "where should I go to get the best view of a Solar Eclipse" Keep it up Nicolas!
Jon Roig
That's rad. Nice to see Emoji Domains getting out there in the world. Obviously, we think they're great, but not too many other sites have had the confidence to move forward with only an emoji url. We'll add you to our Emoji Domain site gallery when I get a moment this morning...
Product Pearson
Emoji domain :p
Steve McGarry
Emoji domains finally making a move!
Amanda Hoac
Our team at Postagram launched a limited edition postcard design just for the Total Eclipse. Download the Postagram app and send your limited edition Eclipse card today! 🌞🌚 First 100 senders can redeem this card for FREE with code "TotalEclipse" Download Postagram App:
Niv Dror
Smart. Discover viewing events in your area for the Total Solar #Eclipse 2017
Matthieu de Luze
Oh that's a cool one! Some improvement on design but still it's as I love ws: simple and efficient. Keep up doing good work Nico ;)
Jas Mowgood
Thank you for this. I've been telling everyone about it but haven't found any one compilation resource.