I've used Clarity.fm for a while to answer calls and as @newrulesinvest mentioned, this could be used as an email-based version of that.
@ivanpashenko although you're still in a closed beta, what use case have emerged? Anything particularly unexpected?
@rrhoover actually we just started to send invites massively. Before we were testing “popular people” use-case. But it doesn’t work much. They don’t want to look arrogant.
Then I asked our subscribers how do they want to use it. I was surprised how brave some of them are:
- developer wants to charge his clients for extra corrections after the project is finished.
- asking a payment for a guaranteed reply within ‘x’ hours
- give this email to recruiters
- game idea that would use an email paywall (no idea what kind of game it could be :) )
- make from it kind of payment system. If someone want to buy a concert ticket or access to premium materials
Hey product hunters! We are playing around with a paywall for email. We want to know how this new format can be used and how the old-good email experience can be changed with it. Some ideas to start with:
- Services based on wrte.io, like http://tinytask.io
- Charge for you attention (e.g. journalists could charge for reading pitches)
- Public address without cold emails. Small paywall price (think of a post stamp), money goes to charity
Wrte.io is in a closed beta now, but for Product Hunters it is available from today.
@ivanpashenko Not able to sign up with Stripe. I authorize the account and then hit Finish Registration and it says "not logged in"
[EDIT} Looks like it was tied to the fact that I hadn't confirmed my email. Should update your error message to reflect this case.
This is an interesting psychological experiment more than anything else. I think even charging $0.05 would drastically deter people from emailing because the act of paying ANYTHING at all is psychologically significant.
That said; I really do like the notion of email as a completely open medium and siloing people behind paid walls feels a little wrong. Then again, the big companies do nothing but silo our personal information for the sake of monetization...
I think I remember discussing this idea in the #startups slackchat, right? I really love it. I feel like it has a real spirit of experimentation. Good luck with it :) I'll be interested to see what use cases emerge.
Hey, a new profit model for the tech press! The team at Upstart Business Journal had a pretty good laugh about using this to invoice flacks for pitches, but I'm not sure anybody is going to pay to land in a journalist's inbox. Plenty of hacks like us to choose from!
@stvmcg Yes, it's alive for Product Hunters! Did you registered your account? If somehow it's not activated yet, let me know. I'll activate it manually.
Really interesting idea - I could see this working well for some kind of 'premium support' service for web developers or other experts to handle certain types of requests they receive.
Hi Ivan, you already solved it for me thanks :) Any ETA on when we'll be able to choose our favorite charities? I would like to use "World Wildlife Fund" someday.
Product Hunt
Wrte (pre-launch)
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