Espen Kulia

Writedown - An immutable Twitter clone


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aris alexis
Writedown is meant to be an immutable Twitter only for meaningful text. Utopian? Maybe. Users? Hopefully people that want to give weight to what they say (think politicians, futurologists, financial predictors etc). It is not yet fully immutable even though the database will remain and there is no delete option but I am hoping to attract free speech organizations to run a distributed db or a sidechain to ensure immutability (if you are one of them get in contact). The project is meant to become a non-profit. Anyone interested in participating get in contact (especially if you can help with legal stuff). P.S for the curious hackers. It's an SPA made with Ractive.js and node.js in the backend full with babel (lots of async/await). OrientDB for a social network seemed like a good match too.
Happy to be here. Thanks for the hunt @Espen!