👋🏼 Hello folks!
📄Writeathon 1.0 launched a few years ago, was a simple markdown editor and a product for locals. Many writing lovers joined the community and wrote a lot, with more than 200k pages/cards and nearly 100 million words created so far.
🎉Today, glad to introduce the all-new Writeathon to global for all writing lovers.
🚀Writeathon provides the flow, from write, and arrange to spread, and inspiration creators need to make content. Also coming with an efficient, handy, and elegant mobile app.
🤖Writeathon with AI is working in progress to make writing more efficient and exciting. 🖼️AI Drawing with your writing as the prompt is available now in beta. (👉Instructions: http://bit.ly/3ZfsXed)
✨Key Features
✏️For Writing: Write in pieces, anywhere, anytime, with immersion and inspiration.
- Slip Box: Writing cards on the go.
- Immersive: Zen Mode, White Noises, Dark Mode.
- Inspiration: Inspired by random Daily Topic, Writing BigBang, and Writing References.
- Live: Come together to pursue the art or craft of writing.
📦For Arranging: Arrange pieces to complete the page.
- Card Writing Mode: Drag, drop, sort, edit, and insert cards to generate the page.
- Manage Cards: Split, combine, and archived cards.
- Use Cards: Copy, insert and reference cards in page writing.
📤For Spreading: Spread content to get feedback and improvement.
- Export: Export cards/pages to markdown/pdf/html.
- Share: Share in snapshot or link, with password optional.
- Publish: Publish to the profile page or your favorite platform.
🛠️Features Packed: Including all you need to create content.
- AI Drawing: Generate pictures from your writing.
- Image Hosting: Fast and steady.
- Writing Marathon: Start a writing marathon with a record.
- Writing Goal: Achieve your daily writing goal.
- Writing Stats: Writing heatmap, timeline, and notebook/story/page/card/word count.
- Markdown: GFM, syntax hint, latex, excel/word paste, auto list, auto brackets, fold code...
- API: Provide the card's API.
- Web: https://www.writeathon.app/ (Including all features)
- Mobile: https://www.writeathon.app/app (For card writing on the go)
- Desktop: Coming soon.
- 👉Telegram: https://t.me/+TyDpzefTVj83MTZl
- 👉Discord: https://discord.gg/JhDw4AywM8l
- 👉Twitter: https://twitter.com/Writeathon_home
- Free: For common content creators.
- Pro: $9/Monthly or $90/Annually ($18 saved).
- Visit writeathon.app to check all features.
- Subscription available on Web now (In-App purchase coming soon).
- Get a discount during the Product Hunt Launch! 🎁
❤️Writeathon is made for all writing lovers, feel free to ask any questions or make suggestions.
🫰Thanks for all.
Diving into this as soon as I can. I am teaching a content marketing course as well and may involve Writeathon in class projects to help students build skills. Congrats on the launch!
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