Chris Messina

Wozi - Your cheat code to making healthy food taste delicious

Top Hunter

Wozi helps you satisfy your sweet tooth with healthy foods you otherwise may not have enjoyed. It is a natural flavor enhancer that makes sour foods taste sweet, reduces their bitterness, and amplifies their flavor. Start healthier habits in just 30 seconds.

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Daniel Getman
Hello everyone! My name is Daniel Getman and I am the founder of Wozi. Being healthy doesn’t have to be hard. Wozi is a plant-based flavor enhancer that makes healthy foods taste delicious so that you can snack guilt-free. It helps you make better dietary decisions without requiring any willpower or compromising on taste. Simply sprinkle the powder onto your tongue and then, when the popping candy stops, sour foods will taste sweet, less bitter, and more flavorful for the next 30 minutes. Greek yogurt will be transformed into cheesecake. Strawberries taste “more strawberry”. Lemon juice in seltzer tastes like Sprite. I can’t forget to mention that liquor becomes smoother so you can better pick up on the fruity and caramel notes of a whiskey! When I first gave miracle berries to my nephew I was shocked. He started begging for more Greek yogurt and tomatoes even though, only moments before consuming the miracle berry, these foods made him gag. I knew from his radical change in behavior that if it could help him eat healthier, then it could help a lot of other people too. I’d love to hear about your experiences and get your feedback. Let’s improve the American diet! As a bonus, the first 25 people to use “hunt” at checkout will get 15% off. Thank you @chrismessina for taking time out of your Saturday to hunt Wozi and being such a legend in the Product Hunt community!
Daniel Getman
@zwadzinski The real question is whose face is better? Your friends' reaction or my thumbnail gif?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
How does this differ from mberry?
Daniel Getman
@chrismessina Great question! Day 1 I saw a gap in the market for a convenient miracle fruit product. Mberry works well in a novelty context, but if you're in a rush to get to school or work you don't have the time nor the patience to wait 5-10 minutes for a pill to dissolve. I knew if I wanted miracle berry to become a daily staple, then it would have to work fast. Wozi is the first miracle berry pixie-stick. It takes only 30 seconds to dissolve, a 10x difference compared to the competition. Now, miracle berry can actually save you time in the morning because a single application will work on your entire meal instead of needing to stir stevia/honey/sugar into your coffee, yogurt, and fruit individually. This type of product wasn't possible in the past because of how unstable miracle fruit powder is. We've solved that problem and interestingly not only did it make it work faster, but it also improved the taste and mouth feel. The #1 Amazon complaints of miracle berry pill products like mberry are the medicinal taste and chalky texture. Wozi tastes fruity like raspberries without any added flavorings or sweeteners - just a fresh miracle berry taste.
Vasek Mlejnsky 🚀
I tried Wozi some time ago and the best word to describe it is just "woah". I highly recommend ordering few packages yourself and trying it out with some of the recommended food. (I ate a whole lemon after I used Wozi 🤔)
Daniel Getman
@mlejva You just hit the nail on the head of why it is named Wozi XD Thanks Vasek!
Ivanna Wendel
Wow! It`s impressive! Very cool product! Good luck!
Daniel Getman
@ivanna_wendel Thank you for the kind words! I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Aleks Bochkov
Wow! I would love to try it. Congrats 🚀 But how healthy is the flavor enhancer itself?
Daniel Getman
@bochkovaleks The fruit is super potent stuff! You only need 150 mg (I double that just to give you the best possible experience). As a result, it is 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 it is keto-friendly too. It will not impact your nutrition directly, the impact is from the healthy changes you make to your diet with Wozi. Now you won't be tempted by junk food because you can get the same sweet kick out of fruit, Greek yogurt, and other acidic foods (even coffee and dark chocolate).
Scott Arenz
I can't eat sugar for health reasons, so it was great to find Wozi. It's mind-bendingly effective at transforming certain flavors. For example, cherry tomatoes become sweet, delicious and uniquely candy-like. Currently I use Wozi for desserts only, which allows a simple dish of greek yogurt and berries to take the place of other unhealthy late night snacks. If the product came down slightly in price, I could see using it multiple times a day and exploring a more extensive menu specifically built around it. I hope to further explore Wozi's potential to help create a healthy, pleasurable alternative diet.
Daniel Getman
@scottarenz Thank you Scott for these kind words! I am so pleased that it has made such a difference in your life. These stories are what keeps me going. What is a price point where you may consider using it multiple times a day? I'd like it to be as affordable as possible (my intention is to revolutionize the American diet after all) and can see this happening as we reach economies of scale.
Scott Arenz
@daniel_getman1 Hi Daniel, thanks for bringing Wozi to market! For me the multi-use price threshold is probably $1 per serving or less. The other thing that would push/inspire me to use the product more often would be some sort of collection of practical "replacement recipes" for snacks that don't include sugar or dense, starchy carbohydrates. People with hypoglycemia, pre-diabetes, or diabetes have a need for these types of foods not for weight loss, but just everyday health and well being. So a simple Wozi recipe book for people on low sugar / low starch diets would help to "make Wozi a habit". Short of recipes, a Wozi tasting guide oriented more towards things one would want to eat on a daily basis would be helpful. I.E. What are the healthy dietary staples that Wozi makes more enjoyable? I'll reach out if I come up with any promising recipes!
Daniel Getman
@scottarenz There is actually a cookbook written by a Michelin Star chef. He had a whole menu dedicated to miracle fruit at one of his restaurants. The focus is more on complex recipes rather those "easy replacement recipes" though. The list of recommendations will surely grow. I anticipate that user generated content can be leveraged and as we grow we can partner with chefs. I've sent it to a few chefs and am eager to hear what they come up with. I do think $1 a serving is achievable at scale. I'm excited that the happy ground between affordability but also necessary profit margin is within reach. Right now we are doing things by hand, but with volume we can get manufacturers to streamline the process significantly.
Scott Kennedy
Fun fact: This stuff works so well, the sugar industry tried to get it banned in the 60s! Great product, convenient form factor, and top Product Hunt today for sure!
Daniel Getman
@scott_kennedy Yeah no joke! In consumer tests, kids actually preferred the miracle berry popsicles to regular ones. Aspartame was being invented right around the same time and apparently Miralin's office was broken into one night with all their research documents completely trashed.
Sujan Dewan
Daniel Getman
@sujan_dewan Thank you Sujan!
Amanda Chocko
I love this product! We made delicious strawberry daiquiris with frozen strawberries, rum and water. Blend it up and sprinkle some Wozi on your tongue. Tastes just like a strawberry daiquiri but a whole lot healthier without all of that sugar! Makes lemon water and plain yogurt taste great too!
Daniel Getman
@amanda_chocko Thank you Amanda! Glad you had a great time :)
Haha! The video is funny. 😈😈 But congrats on the launch
Daniel Getman
@thisissubhendu Thank you! It is always a joy seeing people's reactions XD. Here is another funny one - he ate the whole lemon 😂
Daniel Getman
@thisissubhendu That means a lot to me! Thanks <3
anjali as
it was pretty mind-blowing Helpful, useful, amazing. Both product and video
Daniel Getman
@anjali_as Thank you so much Anjali for the kind words!
Mahmud Imran
Daniel Getman
@mahmud_imran Thank you Mahmud! I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Daniel Getman
@martinesse Thank you!
Kirke Cleve
all I can say is "Woah!"
Daniel Getman
@cleveland_sutcli Truly! That's sadly how I came up with the name XD
Ahbab Hussan Sejan
Great One!!
Daniel Getman
@ahussan_official Thank you Ahbab!
Zach Hudson
Tried this stuff a while back when Daniel was first developing it. It's seriously incredible. As a former bodybuilding competitor who has had to eat some pretty bland foods for months at a time - I wish he'd developed it sooner.
Daniel Getman
@zhud Thanks for the kind words Zach! Product has come a long way and more progress to come.
Mohammad Azeem
So Daniel was gracious enough to send me Wozi all the way to Pakistan. Since, I drink black instant coffee, Wozi made it like a cup from a cafe. I also tried it with yoghurt and it tasted like ice cream. Wozi works and it's magic.
Daniel Getman
@azeem147 Thanks Azeem for the kind words!
?makers gif is awesome
Daniel Getman
@vasgo Thank you! Which one is your favorite?
I've actually ordered this product and tried it. And it really works! We had a fun time tasting lemons and finding it tasty :D
Daniel Getman
@thiscodeworks Thanks Mishka for the kind words! What were some other things that you tried and enjoyed?
Ewan Valentine
I tried this out and it was pretty mind-blowing 🤯
Daniel Getman
@ewan_valentine1 Thanks Ewan! What were your favorite foods?