Hiten Shah

WorstSelf Deck - A limited-edition card game to roast and toast your friends

Best Self's evil alter-go Worst Self has the perfect gift to roast and toast your friends this holiday season. Whether you’re unashamedly late to everything, start political discussions on FB or your primary language is emoji, today we celebrate YOU!

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Hiten Shah
I've been getting into card games lately. I recently played cards against humanity. Wow. Just wow, what a game. Now this. I wonder what people will think up next!
Cathryn Lavery
This holiday season we've let BestSelf's alter-ego [WorstSelf] take the wheel. With this limited edition game it's time to admit and celebrate our imperfections - (you know, the things we don't put on our holiday cards or our "perfect" social media life.) Rather than preaching good habits, let's just be aware of bad one's and celebrate them for the first time with the people who already know us best (and still hang out with us anyway despite being our worst self at times) Whether it's with friends or family this game will make you laugh, laugh-cry and bring an awareness to how you show up in the world.
John Wade
Very cool! Want to get this for my extended group of friends
Cathryn Lavery
@john_wade 40% off today - worstself.co, get for all your friends and foes ;)
Joel Runyon
Hilarious. Well done Cat + team.
Cathryn Lavery
@joelrunyon Thanks Joel!
Edna Summers
How many cards are included? Is this appropriate for kids?
Maria Massey
Sounds like a cool idea
Lorraine Swanson
Interesting idea
Ramona Moss
Love this
Heidi Simpson
Just bought one. Can’t wait for it to arrive!
Mathew Wheeler
Byron Fisher
This sounds like it could be a lot of fun!
Kay Garza
Worst self = always being on my phone when at dinner with family
Neil Becker
Looks like an extremely fun party game.
Dorothy Nichols
Very cool idea. Love innovative card games.
Edna Tucker
My worst self is buying a game like this
Sonia Wright
Damn. Why didn’t I think of this!
Merle Bridges
I'm so freaking excited for this.
Aubrey Grant
This game is fantastic. As good as Cards against Humanity
Bernice Fowler
Watched a Facebook live with people playing this and I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s like they were following me around for a week and taking notes of all my bad habits.
Adrian Barrett
Love the BestSelf team