Workspace on Demand
Find and rent workspaces, by Marriott
Aaron O'Leary

Homes & Villas — Marriott Hotels answer to Airbnb

A home rental initiative offering 2,000 premium and luxury homes located in over 100 destinations throughout the United States, Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America.
Aaron O'Leary
Expected to see more hotel companies off-shoot in this direction long before this was announced, it looks like an AirBnB exclusively for super expensive villas
Justin Johnson
@aaronoleary I commend their effort to compete. Marriott’s challenge (and current strength) is an old-school hospitality mindset rooted in real estate and in-person service, whereas AirBnB focused building on scalable software that connects people. It will be interesting to see if Marriott can scale this efficiently. Personally, I feel like AirBnB is better suited to eat into their business with the acquisition of Hotel Tonight. Perhaps the Marriott folks should keep their eyes on Vrbo.
Why launch on @producthunt before it's live? That's 10 demerits.
George Willaman
@producthunt @elizabethhunker It's a pre launch (PH has a special option you can select if the product is not live). Just meant to grab some traction
@producthunt @georgewillaman but wasn't this *not* in the pre-launch list?
Betül K. Yıldız
I wanted to look at the listings right away when I get the newsletter from ProductHunt. I am traveling constantly I need new additions to Airbnb but the website is still not available. What's point of sending this newsletter anyway.
This is HORRIBLE. An announcement that goes straight to a PR's not even a platform.
Pascal Wicht
well, looks like the PR is not aligned with the dev team... curious to see when it launches!
tania garcia duenas
Grazie mille 😇 1 mi piace la voglio 😇😇la casa bianca,
great snaps more attaractive