"Insane simplicity"
Listen in to our chat with Shane Mac, Co-founder & CEO of Assist, investor, advisor, musician and all around interesting guy.
-Shane's best work smart tip: team to-do lists
-How bots are going to change the nature of work
-How to unleash your team's (and your own) potential
-The importance of being frugal in a new company
-Shane's tips for raising money - article: goo.gl/SKRTIU
Shane's favorite tech:
-Remember app (never forget someone you've met): rememberapp.me
-Quip, the best mobile doc editing/notes app: quip.com
-Amazon's Echo and how to book an Uber with your voice: goo.gl/Nlw4S5
Shane on Twitter: @shanemac
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Work Smart - 10: The PR guru that got us into Forbes, Joey Pomerenke