Press Hunt is a categorized database of ~400k journalists, reporters, and media outlets. You can build media lists of your favorite journalists, export their contact info to CSV, then run PR campaigns to them.
Journalists are categorized by what they're interested in writing about next, so you can quickly find the ones most likely to feature you!
Almost looks like a scam while you actually try it
Pros:Pretty big list
Cons:Basically outdated. Search function is ridiculous. Many reporters are outdated. Can't cancel the plan inside
I've launched a number of projects that I look for press and often the most time consuming part is finding and researching relevant journalists. I was extremely please with how easy Press Hunt is to use. I had a whole list of journalists that I wanted to contact but was unable to find accurate emails and Press Hunt did the job. I would highly recommend it.
Pros:Great access to journalist contacts
Cons:Inevitable with a big data set, but you still have to do a little research to make sure you are contacting relevant people on your own.