Zaheer Baloch - Weekly book summaries recommended by founders and makers sends weekly summaries of great books recommended by Founders and Makers. These are 15 minute book summaries sent to you, weekly via email.

Here is the first summary as an example:

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J.D. Lindsay
Hey, a simple way to make this better: Some of the sentences felt weird, so I ran it through Hemingway. Sure enough, there is room for improvement. Also - this could be a LOT shorter. If you want to pivot your product from 15 -> 5 book summaries, it may have a broader reach. I would use this product in a heartbeat if it had actionable tips interspersed. Having a to-do list built into these articles would be appealing. I could copy/paste the literal ;TLDR into my planner if I was uber-short on time. Now that I'm done criticising, nice product (+1)! It's got potential!
Zaheer Baloch
@kopahkah Thanks J.D. for your input. When you say 15 -> 5 book summaries, what do you mean? Do you mean 5 minutes instead of 15 minutes? I did run this through hemigway and did see some issues, but removing some stuff would have made the sentences not meaningful, but would work on the coming ones for sure. Did you check the end of the article/booksummary, it had some actionable items a jist of the book?
Zaheer Baloch
@kopahkah But yeah I get what you mean, sort of big text items in the middle of the summary to keep the interest going. I get it. Will include it in upcoming summaries.
J.D. Lindsay
@zaheerbaloch Yeah, 5 minutes would be preferable for me. But ten could easily be a happy medium, as not all content can be easily condensed. There is a good argument to be made for longer-form content. Many people enjoy that. I may not be your target audience, as I don't enjoy reading and only do it to get to the actionable info. In Hemingway, ~50 sentances are marked as hard/very hard to read. This usually means they could be split into two sentences. I think a number of them could be removed too (if you ever wanted to slim the content down to a 1000). ex. "They don’t have any special powers." I would consider sentences like those as "fluff." They're great for pacing, sound conversational, but don't add a lot. I didn't get to the bottom of the page (my bad!). The actionable items are great, will be definitely adding to my task list! Only reason I'm being so critical is I'm considering making a similar product, but for theology books. I'm a big fan of these kinds of products.
Zaheer Baloch
@kopahkah Thanks. I would re-run it through the hemingway app. I think what you say about 10 minutes, it makes sense... Generally it depends on the content of the book. Some books with very great insights are hard to summarise to 10-15 minutes... The first book summary is about 12 minutes... And offcourse nothing can beat reading the book as a whole, but this is supposed to present the idea in short form and if you like the book then you can go ahead and get it from Amazon to read in full.
Zaheer Baloch
@kopahkah PS. I made this because I kind of hate blinkist app coz it just gives 1000s of book summaries without any suggestions to read what? You end up getting lost in thousands of summaries.
Tristan Homsi
This looks cool! I was really trying to get a taste of it (before seeing your summary example in the comments below), but couldn't figure out how. Perhaps put that summary example on your landing page? Some more random things: * At first I thought the book covers and Maker pictures were clickable, but then I just realized they were draggable instead. * I wanted to give you my email to learn more about the product, but couldn't really justify filling out the credit card form immediately when I just wanted to learn more... * A better approach may be to accept my email address, shoot me an email containing eg the first 1/4 of a book summary, and then ask for my credit card to view the rest of the summary. Hope that's useful! Good luck in developing this :)
Zaheer Baloch
@homsit Hi Tristan! Thank you so much for checkinh it out. In fact I had put the sample summary later during the day. I believe you would havr visted before that. For book covers, they do seem clickable... couldnt think of any other way of arranging the covers... given that I am not a designer please ignore that for a while... in the future the covers would have like or favourite buttons to upvote the books you like if you want the summaries earlier. I love your idea of sending the 1/4th of the summary after email signup. Would consider that for future. Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback😀
Zaheer Baloch
Here is the first summary as an example.
Itzel Yrev
Found some typos on the text but I like it! Great job. If you suscribe you will be able to access to the whole content or you will have to wait every week to get a summary?
Zaheer Baloch
@itzel_yrev i will run it through the spell checker for typos. When you subscribe, you will start getting the week by week summaries each week. But offcourse you will also get access to all of them... but I recommend that you follow the weekly emails rather than the whole library. The whole idea is to keep it minimalistic and not overwhelm you.
Zaheer Baloch
@itzel_yrev its a set menu. week1 is book1, week2 is book2 etc. But I am working on making them available as a library so that impatient ones can go ahead and read all 😀
Jasper van der Meij
Reminds me of Blinkist. What are you planning to do different?
Zaheer Baloch
@jvdmeij I got this idea when I was using blinkist. Book summaries are supposed to save you time but blinkist gives you thousands of book summaries to chose from, basically defeating the whole purpose of summaries as now you have thousands of available choices.. Hence this idea where each week one summary hits your inbox. Sort of minimalistic way learning something new each week recommended by smart people.