Samarth Jajoo

wordLess - Your music, without the words 🎧

wordLess converts your Spotify playlists into a collection of instrumentals, and makes a shareable playlist out of them - for when you need to listen in peace ✌️

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Samarth Jajoo
Hey PH - Excited to launch here after a while! wordLess lets you listen to your Spotify playlists, minus the words - it looks for instrumental versions of each track in your playlist on YouTube - and compiles them into a clean page 🎵 Listening to instrumentals has actually helped me focus better! Here are some of my favorite wordLess playlists 👇 - - - I'd love to hear your playlists on wordLess, please share them in the comments :) Wordless was built over a week - the code is fully open source on @replit: 👨‍💻 The tools I used, and more in this thread - 🐦 Let me know what you think :)
Yair Tetenboim
I like your idea... would love seeing it implemented for apple music subscribers as well 😃
Samarth Jajoo
@yair_tetenboim Ahahaha maybe I will, if I ever switch. Code is open source though 😉
Tobin Kaestner
This is such a cool idea @jajoosam! Is there a limit to how many playlists wordless can show from spotify?
Samarth Jajoo
@tobinkaestner Thanks! I don't think there is a limit - let me know if some of yours don't show up though!
Tobin Kaestner
@jajoosam Yeah, for whatever reason it only shows me 4 out of the 20+ I have. I thought it might be privacy badger or ublock origins, but turned those off and got the same thing.
Mikhail Kalinin
I have no playlists and the page wasn't prepare for this way :D
Eva Biro
Thig is great. Do you think it works for musics which I didn't succeed to remove vocal with audacity?