Giles Rhys Jones

what3words 3.0 - Helping everyone talk about everywhere

New app, now with saved locations. what3words enables people to identify and share any precise location using just three words. The world has been divided into a grid of 3m x 3m squares each with a unique address. It works in multiple languages, offline and is easier to use that GPS and more accurate than street addressing.

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What makes this more efficient than Google's recently launched Plus Codes, @giles_rhys_jones?
Giles Rhys Jones
@amrith what3words is more memorable, less prone to error and designed for voice input | For example, when talking to a machine saying, ‘Nine, C, Three, X, G, Q, C, W plus H, P’ is much longer and more difficult to communicate than simply saying ‘index home raft’.
Yury Molodtsov
@amrith @giles_rhys_jones but Plus Codes aren't language-dependent, open-source (if I remember correctly) and Google Maps actually implements them.
Gökçe Ozan Toptaş
@amrith words are easier to convey than random characters?
Rich Peterson
W3W is brilliant with so many interesting use cases.
Ashley Cashion

Can’t wait for the voice feature to launch


Precise addresses


Not everyone knows about what3words yet!

Tom Sp
Curious thing: there is a line crossingésistons.e... frop north to south where words are in French at the left, in English at the right. How this can happen?
Oliver Jundt
Came across this recently in a geocaching puzzle. Never heard of it before but like it! Simple idea and just works.
Valerio Neri

I attended a talk today and fell in love with this idea - help spread the word, imagine how much e-commerce companies can save if they get more addresses right and as a consumer how many benefits you have with a precise, easy to remember and to tell adress




urgently needed


needs broad adoption, so help spread the word

Equi Europe
Among the best new apps. Allready on my must-have list. Pros easy to use easy to share a message with a link/place possible to make lists over places can choose from many languages can be used by browser very accurate gps cons the maps are not as informative as google to name shops, places of interest etc if you save a spot the name you give is a bit small to read, and the 3 words large. would prefere it the other way around. no option for sharing lists